Appreciation for Government funding towards cyclone recovery

Friday 31 May, 2024

Mayor Rehette Stoltz has acknowledged the New Zealand government’s allocation of funding for cyclone recovery efforts in our region.

Announced as part of Budget 2024, this funding will assist in addressing critical infrastructure repairs and supporting the communities severly impacted by the extreme weather events of 2023.

The approved funding for Tairāwhiti includes $27 million for the removal of woody debris in Tairāwhiti - bringing the total government support for this initiative to $110.8 million across the region.

Additional funding was also announced, of which Tairāwhiti will receive a portion, including:

  • $609 million for state highway recovery
  • $330 million for local road recovery
  • $28 million for the Temporary Accommodation Service
  • $20 million to enhance council capabilities for critical recovery projects.

Mayor Stoltz expressed appreciation for the government support, recognising the financial constraints under which these decisions are made and the need to balance priorities across all regions.

“We are grateful for this financial support, which will significantly aid our region’s recovery and is a positive step towards securing our community’s future,” says Mayor Stoltz.

“We will provide details about how much of this funding we receive and the specific projects that will be enabled by this funding as they are assessed by our staff.

“We thank everyone involved in our recovery efforts over the past year. “Together, we are committed to rebuilding and strengthening our region, ensuring a stable and resilient future for all.”