Hui Raraunga

Citizenship ceremony

If you wish to become a New Zealand citizen you need to apply to the New Zealand Government.

The ceremony is held at Gisborne District Council where applicants stand before the Mayor and take the Oath or Affirmation of Allegiance, declaring they will honour King Charles III, King of New Zealand, obey the laws of New Zealand and be a good citizen.

It's only after swearing allegiance that a person becomes a New Zealand citizen. NZ Government provides separate approval and applicants are not able to call themselves a New Zealand citizen until they have taken part in a citizenship ceremony.

For more information, visit the New Zealand Government website

We host the citizenship ceremony

Successful applicants for New Zealand citizenship are required to attend a public citizenship ceremony, where they will receive their citizenship certificate. The ceremony dates for 2025

  • Tuesday 20 May
  • Tuesday 19 August
  • Tuesday 25 November

The ceremony is held at Gisborne District Council's civic centre Awarua, 15 Fitzherbert Street, Gisborne starting at 10am.

  • The candidates names for each ceremony are provided to Council.
  • You then receive an invitation from the NZ Government.
  • Citizenship ceremonies start at 10am, they take about an hour and finish with morning tea.
  • You're encouraged to wear your national dress for the occasion, but it's optional.
  • A group photograph is taken and published online.