We're reviewing the Tairāwhiti Resource Management Plan as it's outdated and no longer meets legislative outcomes, our community's needs and our obligations under Te Tiriti o Waitangi. As the single combined plan is so large and diverse, we're updating the sections as a series of plan changes shown below.
The Tairāwhiti Resource Management Plan is a combined unitary plan under section 80 of the Resource Management Act (RMA), meaning it guides the use of our natural and physical resources, including land development.

How we're reviewing the TRMP
Why and how it's being reviewed and how to get involved

Regional Policy Statement
Review of the Regional Policy Statement provisions

Forestry Plan Changes
Forestry harvest provisions and land overlay mapping and wider TRMP

Catchment Planning
Review and development of 7 river catchment plans

Freshwater Plan
Review of the regional freshwater management plan

District Plan Changes
Plans and projects related to the plan review
How to get involved in the review process
- Check for any open engagements - kōrero mai have your say via our engagement portal
- Ask us a question - email the team at trmp@gdc.govt.nz
- Sign up for Council News | He Pānui - using this form