Activities requiring resource consent and how to apply for consent and related approvals.
Each day people apply for resource consent to do things like, subdivide their property, relocate a house, take water from a river or stream and more. Before you carry out an activity or make changes to your property, it's important to check if it's permitted under our Tairāwhiti Resource Management Plan. We provide a free duty planner service.
A resource consent is a written approval from Council for an activity that might affect the environment, and that isn't allowed 'as of right' in our combined district and regional plan - Tairāwhiti Resource Management Plan
Talk to our planner
Duty planner hours and some Q&As
The process
Steps for applying and what you need to know
Forms and fees
Deposit fees, forms and guides
Monitoring consents
Compliance Monitoring and Enforcement
Notified Resource Consents
You can make a submission
How to make a submission
The District Plan
Tairāwhiti Resource Management Plan (TRMP)