

Enviroschools is a nationwide network that empowers students to take action to create healthy vibrant schools and communities.

Nationally there's over 1,300 Enviroschools where students are being inspired to investigate, explore ideas, make decisions and take action on their school and community environment. Toimata Foundation is the national support organisation for Enviroschools.

Regionally, Tairāwhiti Enviroschools is led by Council with support from the Williams Trusts and Eastland Port plus a growing number of collaborators.

Each school creates a school vision, forms an envirogroup, works with the community and implements action projects. Trained facilitators work with each enviroschool to guide, motivate and advise the school along their journey towards sustainability.

Enviroschools is designed for English-medium schools, for Māori-medium Toimata offers the kaupapa of Te Aho Tū Roa

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Gisborne district schools participating in Enviroschools

Awapuni SchoolBarnardos Early Learning Awhi TairawhitiCampion College
Cobham SchoolGisborne Boys HighGisborne Central School
Gisborne Girls HighGisborne Home SchoolsGisborne Intermediate
Gisborne Montessori PreschoolHaetea-a-Rangi SchoolIlminster Intermediate
Gisborne Community Early Education Centre Te Whare Tiaki Tamariki  
Kaiti SchoolKnox Street KindergartenMangapapa School
Makauri SchoolMakaraka SchoolManutuke School
Matawai SchoolMuriwai SchoolNgatapa School
Ormond SchoolPickering Street KindergartenRewanui Early Learning Centre
Riverdale SchoolSt Mary's Catholic SchoolTe Hapara School
Te Karaka Area SchoolTe Wharau SchoolTe Waha O Rerekohu Area School
The Farmyard for Early LearnersTikitiki SchoolTiniroto School
Tūranga Tangata Rite  
Waikirikiri SchoolWainui Beach SchoolWaerenga-O-Kuri School

Contact us if you would like more information or are interested in participating.

For the latest news and events , visit Enviroschool's website