Ngā utu ratonga hanganga

Building service fees

Some building service fees, for the full list see our fees and charges document.

Description Fees
New Structures, Additions and Alterations (deposit) (1) balance to be charged at time and materials basis on completion or termination of application
Alterations and garages $650
New dwellings $1,000
Commercial up to and including $1m $1,200
Commercial or other above $1m $2,500
Freestanding $438
In-Built $577
Marquees - deposit balance to be charged at time and materials basis on completion or termination of application $350
Demolition - deposit balance to be charged at time and materials basis on completion or termination of application
a. Residential (includes 1 inspection) $253
b. Commercial (includes 2 inspections) $438
# Additional inspections at cost # Plus footpath and sign damage bond (as overleaf)
Pools up to $19,000 - deposit (3) balance to be charged at time and materials basis on completion or termination of application
In-ground swimming pools, fence and drainage $629
Above ground swimming pools, fence and drainage including fencing existing pool $438
Three yearly inspection of swimming pool fencing as required by the Building Act 2004 Revisit for non-compliant pool after check $184
Entry of swimming pool inspection report from IQPI onto property file $70
Minor Building Consent. Work under minor building consent must be for a residential project under the value of $19,000 and meet the criteria listed on the Application for Minor Building Work form. $629
Solar Panels (restrictions apply) $546

The building services fees and charges relate to the following regulations: Building Act 2004, S. 45.01(d), S.72, S.75, S.240, S.219(d) Local Government Act 2002, S.150 and Sub Parts S.197-S.211 Public Places Bylaw Amusement Devices Regulations 1978 Resource Management Act 1991, S.36 Local Government Official Information and Meeting Act, S.44A

* Items are charged at actual and reasonable cost unless otherwise identified.
(1) Items are charged at actual and reasonable cost to memorandum/consent stage.  Charges for subsequent required inspections are made at uplift of consent on the basis of specific quoted schedule. Council reserves the right to recover additional inspection charges made necessary by action or inaction of consent holder.  Each inspection type is charged at a standard rate.  On visits where more than one inspection type is undertaken each incurs a fee.
(2) Deposit and standard fee includes set number of inspections and standard processing time. Any additional inspections or time to process the consent will be charged at cost.
(3) Pools on a hill/slope or with a value of over $20,000 will require a full actual and reasonable cost Building Consent.
(4) Jobs that require only one inspection will be at a lesser rate.  This is at the discretion of Council building official.