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Mahere Toru Tau 2024-2027

2024-2027 Three Year Plan

Our recovery, our challenges and our focus for the next 3 years

Due to the disruption caused by Cyclone Gabrielle, the government changed the legislative requirement for us to produce a Long Term Plan with a ten-year scope. Instead they've allowed us to prepare a plan for 3 years with a focus on recovery, recognising that cyclone damage has created uncertainty around costs, funding and timing. The extent of work ahead also impacts our ability to deliver previously planned projects.

Our Three Year Plan 2024-2027

Consultation on the 2024-2027 three Year Plan closed 19 April and we received 173 submissions. Thanks to all those who gave us feedback.

Next steps

  • Submitter hearings - 15 -16 May
  • Council deliberation - 11 June
  • 2024-2027 Three Year Plan adopted - 27 June 2024
  • Decision letters sent to all submitters - July

2024-2027 Three Year Plan

Read about our recovery, our challenges, our focus for the next 3 years and what it means for rates.

For information on the clarification of consultation requirements for specified councils, on the Department of Internal Affairs website Local Government Cyclone Response - dia.govt.nz

We prepare an environmental scan every 3 years to report on the state of the physical, demographic, economic and infrastructure environment in which it operates.

The 2023 Environmental Scan has been developed to support and inform the strategic direction of and the prioritisation for the 2024-2027 Three Year Plan.

5 factors have been examined:  political, social, economic, environmental, and technological.

The scan takes into account the context of our region following 9 major weather events within a 2-year period.

2023 Environmental Scan

A Long Term Plan (LTP) pulls together a plan for all our our priorities, projects and activities for the next 10 years and how we will manage, deliver and pay for them.

The Local Government Amendment Act 2010 (LGA) requires all councils to develop a Ten Year Long Term Plan, which must be reviewed every 3 years to ensure it's relevant and accurate going forward into the next 10 years.

Our next ten-year Long Term Plan will be created in 2027.

Our current 2021-2031 Long Term Plan was adopted on 30 June 2021
