Ngā Tohu Hāpori

Civic awards

These awards help us to reward our district's amazing volunteers by nominating them for a Citizens Civic Award.

Civic Awards recognise local individuals or organisations in our district, who give substantial voluntary community service that benefits the people of Gisborne Tairāwhiti.

Awards presentation

Nominations for the 2024 Citizens Civic Awards open on Saturday, 6th July, 2024.

Any individual, group or organisation may make a nomination. All nominations must be nominated and seconded.

Read the criteria and see previous recipients

Recipients must have given exceptional voluntary service to the Gisborne Tairāwhiti community.

  • Current Gisborne District Council staff do not qualify.
  • Previous award recipients are not eligible - see the list of previous recipients
  • Merit and recognition award recipients can be nominated again.

2023 award recipients

Civic Award
Rod Cutts
Graeme Revell
Tony Barnby
Bevan Chapman
Merit Award
Wendy Davies
Tai and Kaatarina Kerekere
Tairawhiti Multicultural Council: Sarwan Kumar, Hans van Kregten, Baljeet Sandhu, Meredith Stewart Pramod and Lata Kumar
Hear 4U Volunteers:  David Parker, Richard Briant and Brian Horwell

2022 award recipients

Civic Award
Alexia EnglishAmanda Mathers
Rawinia ParataReweti Ropiha
Jason King 
Merit Award
Cassandra BlumfieldGregor Ross
Krissy MackintoshBrian Lee
Ngati Parou Hapu LeadsElizabeth Thodey
Vicky McLoughlin 

2021 award recipients

Civic Award
Judy McIntoshKerry Jones
Nigel McGrannachanSheridan Gundry
Stanley (Ross) DonaldStuart (Boydie) Donald
Te Wairemana Essie Keelan 
Merit Award
Chelle (Shelley) GandellGisborne Parkrun
Kerris Kafe KnittersGisborne Curtain Bank, Sharron Hall
Uawa Sports Club 

2020 award recipients

Civic Award
Chris Reynolds Janet Bodle
The Collective - Oasis Hahi / Church Pamela Kay
Ron Heemi Steve and Sue Evett
Gillian Ward Noel Dunn
Ruaiti Taipana 'Aunty Bubby" Anthony Kendrew
Cynthia Sidney Dion Milner
Joe Campbell Toni Hale
Tony Scragg  
Merit Award
Richard Flyger Sarah Kapene
Robyn Dear Gary Martin
Shona Martin Joy Putaranui
Lily Stender Shanan Gray

2019 award recipients

Civic Award
Bruce Jefferd Matauranga Maitai
Stephen Donald Hiria Walker
Geoffrey Kerehama Blackman  Darryl Crawford
Glenys Higgs Alison Waru
Gill Clout Sherwood Club volunteers
Merit awards
Greg Robertson Pam Bell
The Road to Reo Organisation Tahurangi Ruru

2018 award recipients

Civic Award
Raymond Stevenson Audrey Pratt
Bill Harding Graham Faulkner
Leslie McGreevy Gregory Shelton
Taina Atkins Jamie Simpson
Kelly Simpson Toni Grout
Ka Pai Kaiti  

2016 award recipients

Civic Awards
Cherie Anne Knight Evan Parkin
Christine Parkin Angela Hill
Elizabeth Clark Norman Maclean
Pru Clayden Duncan Chisholm
Ralph Walker  

2015 award recipients

Civic Awards
Catherine Macdonald Gavin Maclean
Helen Swan Mary Bayley
Karangawai Kururangi Frederick Smith
Prue Roberts Arish Naresh
Alison Ross Maureen Potroz
Norma Hooks  
Merit Awards
Te Kura Kaupapa Maori o Nga Uri a Maui Philip Paniani
Brian Cochrane  

2014 award recipients

Civic Awards
Jean Weke   Betty Thompson  
Chris Sharp Whaiora Enoka
Judy Livingston Neville Clarke
Raunikau Stainton Christopher Hudson
Mereheni Waitoa Tui Takarangi

Any individual or organisation who carries out substantial voluntary work for the benefit of Gisborne Tairāwhiti and its people.

The person must be living in our district - the awards celebrate the work of Gisborne Tairāwhiti residents.

Any individual, group or organisation can make a nomination.

This is not a requirement.  However, as a courtesy you may wish to discuss your nomination with your nominee.

Unfortunately posthumous nominations are not eligible.

The judging panel is made up of the Mayor, 3 councillors and 2 citizens of Gisborne.

Civic award nomination

As a courtesy you may wish to advise your nominee of their nomination.

All nominees must be nominated and seconded.

Current Gisborne District Council staff, previous Civic Award winners and posthumous nominations are not eligible for consideration. Those who have previously received Merit Awards are eligible for nomination for a Civic Award.

Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).
Nominee details
First name and surname
To assist the selection panel please include as much detail as possible, such as the amount of time spent carrying out voluntary work.
Nominator details
If applicable
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Seconder details
If appropriate
If applicable