

The DrainWise programme is about working together with property owners to help fix problems with wastewater and stormwater drains.

Too much stormwater is still getting into our wastewater network during heavy rain. This causes wastewater (sewage) overflows onto private property, into our rivers and the sea, causing potential health risks.

The main cause is illegal spouting connections, broken gully traps on private property and property flooding topping gully traps.

Our DrainWise team will work with homeowners to check gully traps and downpipes on your home to make sure they're in good condition and they drain to the correct outlet. We may do minor repairs to gully traps at no cost to you.

DrainWise programme and budget for 2024-2027 (3YP)

Ongoing DrainWise renewal programme, with a focus on reducing ongoing flooding. DrainWise is 100% Council funded, with $14.1m allocated for the 3 year period. Work includes:

  • Renewing ageing stormwater and wastewater pipes
  • Public drains on private property -  reduce ongoing flooding
  • Graham and De Lautour roads infrastructure upgrades.
  • Compliance and enforcement – making it easy and affordable to fix the issues.
  • Education and awareness – promote good practices with campaigns like “Only Flush the 3Ps”.
  • Free minor gully trap repairs.

We need to work together

Gisborne city's wastewater network and stormwater network are separate systems. Homeowners are responsible for all the pipes and gully traps within their property boundary.

It only takes 4 properties with rainwater flowing into the gully trap to overload the network

Our inspections show that about half of the underground private pipes are in a poor condition and leaking. When these pipes leak, they let rainfall into the sewage system, leading to overflows during heavy rains.

Making sure the privately-owned parts of the underground sewage system aren't leaking will help reduce overflows.

Council's wastewater network is designed to NZ standards and under normal conditions can handle higher wastewater volumes during heavy rainfall.

However, in Gisborne, the amount of rainwater entering the wastewater network from private properties is exceptionally high.

The cause of emergency wastewater discharges in heavy rain

When it rains heavily, parts of the city's wastewater system get flooded with rainwater (stormwater) and can’t cope with the extra water. This can cause emergency wastewater discharges.

For more information on Why discharges happen

Help protect our environment

Tell us if you have flooding problems on your property.

DrainWise videos and resources

Get to know your gully trap

Mike Hall, a local Gizzy plumber “getting to know your gully trap…you’ll prevent a whole lot of pollution on our properties and our rivers”.

DrainWise - Get to know your gully trap

Only Flush the 3 Ps - pee, poo and (toilet) paper

Nick reminds us about what we should and should not flush down the toilet. Blocked wastewater pipes can cause sewage back-ups in your home or overflow into our city's rivers.

DrainWise - Only flush pee, poo and toilet paper down the toilet

Sinks aren't rubbish bins

Check out these fatbergs!  Dianne has a few tips on what should go in the bin, not down the sink and block our sewage system. How simple adjustments to what we do in the kitchen can make a world of difference to our pipes and save our rivers and the ocean.

DrainWise - Sinks aren't rubbish bins

Healthy water, healthy community

When water isn't draining right - it's not healthy for your family, your home or our rivers and beaches.
Here's information on what you can do. If you have flooding issues on your property.
Fill in our online property flooding form

DrainWise - Healthy water = healthy community

Stormwater and wastewater don't mix

It's important that we all understand the different water networks so we can all help prevent sewage discharges into our rivers. We have separate networks for stormwater (rain) and for wastewater (sewage).

DrainWise - Keep stormwater and wastewater separate

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