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Private water tank supply

If your water comes from a water collection tank, it's up to you to keep it safe and free from contaminants.

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How safe is your water source?

SourceReduce contamination
In the tank - organic matter like leaves, dead animals and their faeces could be washed down the spouting into the water tank.Regularly clean spouting, roof and tank.  Install mesh screens on spouting.
Buying water - Many residents need to buy water during the summer.  Water carriers are advised to follow standard procedures to ensure safety of water supplies.Always use a reputable water carrier and ask what the source of the water is before ordering.
Water in the ground   
Springs - Water quality depends on where the spring is recharged from. If that is a bush catchment - the quality is likely to be high, however, if farm animals have access, they are a potential source of pollutionFence off water source to exclude stock and protect it from run-off. Ensure sound piping in place from source to storage tanks.
Streams - Steams and rivers are high risk.  It's not recommended as a drinking water sourceVirtually impossible to prevent contamination.
Bores - Ground water varies in bacterial & chemical composition, depending on bore depth and aquifer source. In Poverty Bay, it usually contains dissolved iron, which can affect the taste and cause staining.Council samples a number of wells within the Poverty Bay aquifer system to assess quality.  Check with our water conservation team for further information about results.

If you think you may have a problem with your tank water, please contact us.

Safe drinking water

If you get your water from a rainwater tank, spring or bore - there's steps you can take to make sure your water is safe, clean and clear.

An untreated water supply can be contaminated with chemicals, bacteria and other organisms.

These contaminants can cause unpleasant tastes, odours and some can cause serious illness.

Cleaning your water tank

When the water in your tank is low - it's a good time to clean it out.

If you're planning to have the tank refilled without cleaning it - be aware that adding delivered water to a dirty tank can stir up any sludge, and make your water cloudy and taste unpleasant.

Sludge often contains high levels of bacteria and contaminants and will clog any filters.

Cover the tank to prevent animals, birds and other matter from entering

Leaves, dead birds and animal droppings can be washed down the spouting and into your tank, making it unsafe to drink.

Buy water from a registered water carrier

If you need to refill your tank, make sure you use a registered water carrier. We can tell you if a water carrier is registered, or ask the carrier before ordering the water.

Registered carriers are required to leave a delivery docket with each load of water. This details the source and quality of the delivered water.

Water filters

If you use filters or other point-of-use devices to clean your water, check when these are due for replacement or servicing. If you don't currently use any of these devices, now's a good time to consider the treatment options available.

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