Te ratonga pahi me te hōtaka

Bus service and timetable

GizzyBus service

GizzyBus operates 4 bus routes from the city centre to outer suburbs Monday to Friday 7am - 5.15pm.

  • The bus terminal is on Bright Street at the Gladstone Road end, in the CBD.
  • There's no weekend or public holiday bus service.
  • There's no bus service for rural or coastal townships.

For the school bus service visit the Waka Kura page

On this page

Cost to ride on GizzyBus

Cash FareRegistered Bee Card fare
Child (under 5yrs)freefree
Child (5-12)$1.10$1
Youth (13-18 yrs)$1.10$1
Adult (18+)$2.20$2
Community Service Card holderN/A$1
SuperGold (65+)$2.20
Free 9am – 3pm
$2.20 other times

Same day transfer from one GizzyBus to another within 90 minutes is free. Free transfers do not apply to return journeys.

Bee card

Information and to apply for a Bee Card

Bus timetable

4 routes - 1A, 1B, 2A, 2B.
Bus drivers will try to keep to the times. But be aware the bus may be running a few minutes early or late, depending on traffic. The departure times from the city centre will always be on time.

Route 1A. City - Hospital - Te Hapara - City

For all the stops along the route - see Timing Stops for Route 1A [PDF, 779 KB]

LeavesBright Street7.459.4511.451.453.455.10
viaBallance Street7.559.5511.551.553.555.15
Aberdeen Rd
Te Wiremu
ArrivesBright Street8.3010.3012.302.304.305.35

Route 1B. City - Desmond Rd - Elgin - City

For all the stops along the route seeTiming Stops for Route 1B [PDF, 807 KB]
Please note these timing stops are not guaranteed.

LeavesBright Street7.008.4510.4512.452.455.15
viaDesmond Road7.108.5510.5512.552.555.20
 Rugby Park7.209.0511.
 Elgin Shops7.309.1511.
ArrivesBright Street7.459.3011.301.303.305.45

Route 2A. City - Kaiti - Tamarau - City

For all the stops along the route seeTiming Stops for Route 2A [PDF, 839 KB]

LeavesBright Street7.459.009.4510.4511.4512.451.453.455.10
viaKaiti Mall7.559.109.5510.5511.5512.551.553.555.20
 Heath Johnston
 De Lautour
ArrivesBright Street8.309.4510.3011.3012.301.302.304.305.45

Route 2B. City - Elgin - Hospital - City

For all the stops along the route see Timing Stops for Route 2B [PDF, 819 KB]
Please note these timing stops are not guaranteed. 

viaYMCA7.058.50 9.5010.5011.5012.501.502.505.20
7.159.00 10.0011.0012.
 Hospital7.309.15 10.1511.1512.151.15
7.459.30 10.3011.3012.301.30 2.303.305.45

Bus routes on a map

Wheelchair, pushchair, bike friendly

GizzyBuses are wheelchair and pushchair friendly. Please let the driver know that you require assistance and an accessibility ramp will be lowered for you. There's pushchair and wheelchair space allocated on the bus.

Put your bike on the bus

All GizzyBuses are fitted with bike racks.  There's no extra cost to put your bike on a GizzyBus.  You're responsible to load and unload your own bike, just signal the driver that you want to use the bike rack.