Temporary traffic management is the method of managing vehicles and pedestrians through, around or past an activity or event on any road or road reserve safely with minimum inconvenience.
See the definition of road reserve.
Traffic Management Plan
A Traffic Management Plan (TMP) describes proposed works, design, set up and removal of any activity being carried out on a road or within the road reserve. It also includes the work programme, how public and contractor safety will be managed and any contingency planning.
Any work that alters the normal operating conditions of the road or road reserve requires a TMP. Examples include:
- excavating a road or footpath
- events (these may also require temporary road closures)
- obstruction of footpaths such as for sign writing, scaffolding, painting etc.
Traffic management for events
All events on a road or road reserve generally require a traffic management plan.
Some events also require a temporary road closure application.
Event organisers are responsible for providing traffic management at their event.
If you do not have the necessary qualifications on how to safely manage traffic (Traffic Management Operative practising - TMO, Site Traffic Management Specialist A,B practising - STMS A,B; TTM-planner) you must engage a professional traffic management company to develop your traffic management plan.
- car parking
- safe access and exit of the event site
- emergency service access at all times
- other events or works happening at the same time that may impact traffic management
- speed limits on the event site
- larger vehicles must have spotters in place when manoeuvring near people or property.
- how you will manage large pedestrian numbers
A traffic management plan must to submitted to us at least 20 working days prior to the event.
Temporary road closures need to be applied for 10 weeks prior to the event to allow for 42 days public notice.
Talk to us early in your event planning to see if you require a traffic management plan or a temporary road closure.
Email events@gdc.govt.nz
Traffic management providers
- Downers Gisborne
P: 06 868 2870 - Fulton Hogan Gisborne
P: 06 869 1800 - Kurt Allan - Professional Traffic Solutions
P: 0277 238 392 E: kurt@protraffic.co.nz W: www.protraffic.co.nz