Teihana rāpihi whakawhiti

Transfer stations

On this page

City recycling and resource recovery centre

Waste Management NZ, 75 Innes Street opposite Tupaea Street. Ph: 868 5797

Recycling drop-off

The drop-off recycling facility is open 24/7 located at the entrance of 75 Innes Street.
Only plastic grades 1, 2 and 5 are recyclable

City transfer station hours and charges

Days Hours
Monday - Friday         7.30am - 4.30pm
Saturday 9.30am - 3.30pm
Sunday 9.30am - 3.30pm
Public holidays 9.30am - 3.30pm
Christmas Day, Good Friday Closed

Waste is charged per tonne on the weighbridge. Minimum charges apply.

You can first tip your rubbish then return to the weighbridge, then tip your green waste, recycling or hardfill. All recycling products must be separated first, this includes colour separation of glass. Any product not separated or contaminated by more than 2.5% will be treated and charged as general waste.

All vehicles must pass over the weighbridge for separate loads to be charged. Weighbridge charge each visit $20.

Health and safety requirements on site

Drivers must follow instruction from staff.
Enclosed footwear must be worn. People are not to climb onto loads or heaped piles. Pets and children must stay in the vehicle at all times.

General waste - car, ute, trailer
general household and commercial waste
$24 minimum charge (up to 50kg)   $484 per tonne
Green waste - car, ute, trailer
lawn clippings, leaves, tree trimmings. No flax
$12 minimum charge (up to 50kg)
$220 per tonne
Hardfill / cleanfill - car, ute, trailer  
concrete, rock, rubble, sand, clay, soil, dirt, ceramics, tiles, asphalt, fibreboard, window or sheet glass. No contaminated soil.             
$41 minimum charge (up to 100kg)
$404 per tonne
Hazardous waste - car, ute trailer  
rotten organic material, offal. Must be fully wrapped, bagged and sealed.
$52 minimum charge (up to 100kg)
$620 per tonne
Special waste by prior arrangement only 
Asbestos, tyres, treated timber, price on application
Appliances, eWaste, batteries, flexible plasticprice on application
Products not accepted  
Paint, oils or petroleums, liquid wastes, medical waste, car bodies, large commercial tyresnot accepted

Rural township transfer stations

Opening hours and charges for taking rubbish to our rural transfer stations.

All rubbish needs a council blue rubbish sticker on it.

LocationDay and HoursSticker Retailers
209 Motu Rd
Tuesday, Wednesday 12pm-2pm
Saturday and Sunday 2pm-4pm
Closed Christmas Day, Boxing Day, 1 and 2 January
Hard Drive Cafe
146 Tip Road
Tuesday, Thursday 1pm-3pm
Saturday 10am-12pm, Sunday 2pm-4pm
Closed Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, 1 and 2 January
Nga Ariki Kaiputahi office
Te Karaka
229 Kanakania Rd
Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday 1pm-3pm
Closed Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, 1 and 2 January
Rangatira Motors
Tokomaru Bay
31 Paikea Road
Wednesday, Friday, Saturday 11am-1pm, Sunday 2pm-4pm

Accepted - rubbish bags with stickers, recycling, greenwaste 
Not accepted - non-stickered bags, trailer, ute or large loads of rubbish

Additional hours 16 December - 15 January, the days and times above plus Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 11am - 1pm
Closed Christmas Day, Boxing Day, 1 and 2 January
Tokomaru Bay Four Square
35 Awanui Rd
Wednesday, Thursday 3pm-5pm, Saturday 10am-12pm, Sunday 2pm-4pm
Closed Christmas Day, New Years Day
Hikurangi Foodmarket Four Square
Tolaga Bay
146 Waiapu Rd
Tuesday 7am-9am, Thursday 11am-1pm, Saturday, Sunday 2pm-4pm.
Additional hours 16 December - 15 January, days and times above plus Monday, Wednesday and Friday 10am - 12pm
Closed Christmas Day, Boxing Day, 1 and 2 January
John's Superette and Lotto,
Uawa Foodmarket,
George and Mildreds Supermarket
Te Puia Springs
4855 Waiapu Rd
Monday, Wednesday, Saturday 10am-12pm, Sunday 1pm-3pm.
Additional hours 16 December - 15 January days and times above plus Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 10am - 12pm
Closed Christmas Day, Boxing Day, 1 and 2 January
Council office, Te Puia Springs Store
89 Thatcher Rd
Monday 2pm-4pm, Tuesday 10am-12pm, Wednesday 1pm-3pm, Thursday 10am-12pm, Friday 11am-1pm, Saturday 10am-12pm, Sunday 2pm-4pm
Closed Christmas Day, Boxing Day, New Years Day
Hikurangi Foodmarket Four Square
Te Araroa
26 Te Arawapia Rd
Tuesday 10am-12pm, Thursday 3pm-5pm, Saturday and Sunday 10am-12pm.
Additional hours 16 December - 15 January days and times above plus Monday, Wednesday, Friday 10am - 12pm
Closed Christmas Day, Boxing Day, 1 and 2 January
Eastern Store, 
Hicks Bay General Store

No reduction in price for part loads or garden waste.

Rubbish bag up to 5kg 1 blue sticker
Bins and small load wheelie bin, 200 litre drum, fadge or car boot
(load less than 100kg or .5 cubic metre)
4 blue stickers or
1 pink sticker
Medium load small ute, van or trailer
(less than 200kg or 1 cubic metre)
2 pink stickers
Large load large van, ute, trailer or crate
(less than 400kg or 2 cubic metres)
4 pink stickers
Commercial load Trucks - more than 400kg or 2 cubic metres by arrangement only or at
Waiapu Landfill or Gisborne Transfer Station

Q&As about rural transfer stations

Blue and pink.

The recommended retail price for the blue stickers is $2.80. But we have no control over what retailers can charge.

Pink stickers for $10 are also available

No. The community caretakers will only accept rubbish with stickers.

We don’t want any cash held at rural transfer stations.

No. We don’t want cash on the premises.

No. Only during the open hours.  See table above.

No. You should try to make sure you go in with a full load as there’s no reduction for part loads.

No. The city kerbside contractor will only pick up bags with orange stickers as they're different contractors.

Yes, you just need to buy blue stickers from the local stores.

A. You can buy a replacement recycling bin for $20 at customer service in Te Puia Springs or Gisborne.

Rubbish Bags Band