He kete taputapu whakarite tauwhāinga

Toolkit for organising an event

If you plan to hold an event in any public space or private property, you need consent from us.

You need to lodge the application with us at least 8 weeks prior to the event. If you can't meet this timeframe, contact us to discuss.

You may also need to apply for other consents

Depending on the type and size of your event, you may also need to apply for other licenses and consents.

Application to hold an event

Fill out the application form and email to events@gdc.govt.nz.

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Licences and consents

Depending on your event, you may require other licenses and consents from us.

The following list will help guide you on what other approvals may be required. Note that some applications require up to 90 working days to process.

The first form you need to complete is the Application to Hold an Event

On this page

Where will your event be held?

Council reserve

If you plan to hold it on any Council land, this includes public parks, sports grounds, reserves, beaches or any open space, then you need approval first.

Fill in our online booking form.  Do this early to check if the space is available.
Book a Park or Reserve Form

Private property

If your event's on private land, you may require resource consent.

Resource consent may also be needed if your event's not a permitted activity in the District Plan. Talk to our duty planner first.

Selling or supplying food?

Food sellers at an event need to register as a food business, unless they're exempt. An event organiser monitors food sellers and facilitate food safety at the event.

See the information on selling food at an event

Submit food application forms at least 20 working days before the event

Selling alcohol?

If you're selling alcohol or the ticket cost includes alcohol - you need to apply for a Special Licence. If the event is planned for around Christmas / New Year your application needs to be lodged before mid-November.

Special Licence Application
Submit alcohol applications at least 20 working days before the event

Closing any roads?

If your event involves any activities on a road or footpath you need to apply to temporarily close a road. A Traffic Management Plan is required for any event that stops, delays or increases vehicle or pedestrian traffic.

Temporary Road Closure - Information and Form
Submit your application at least 10 weeks prior to the event

Traffic Management Plan - Information
Submit your plan to us, 20 working days prior to the event.

Every road closure must have a Traffic Management Plan.

Does your event comply with the District Plan?

The event organiser is responsible to ensure the event complies with the District Plan. If the event is not a permitted activity in the Plan, then a resource consent may be required.  Talk to our planning staff early.

Resource Consent Form
Submit your application 90 working days before your event for a notified consent, or 20 working days for a non-notified consent

Do you plan to have signage?

All temporary signs must be kept on the site of the event.

There can only be one portable sandwich board sized sign in the road reserve.

Any other signs in any public place will require resource consent.

Resource Consent Form
Submit your application at least 20 working days before the event

Will your venue have temporary structures?

Any structures such as a marquee over 100m2, a platform or stage higher than 1.4m or a lighting tower require consent.

We need to ensure structures including tents and marquees, meet fire safety requirements.

Your application must be approved and an inspection carried out before your event takes place.

Talk to our duty building inspector for advice.

Building Consent to erect a temporary structure
A deposit is required.

Any amusement devices?

If you plan to operate an amusement device such as a merry-go-round, you need a certificate of registration of an Amusement Device from Worksafe New Zealand - visit their website for more information.

Providing temporary accommodation?

If you plan to offer temporary camping type accommodation, you need approval first.

Temporary Camping Ground Application Form
Lodge your application at least 20 working days prior to event

How will you manage all the waste?

Rubbish and recycling

Talk to us about rubbish and recycling

Information on waste minimisation at an event


Talk to us if your event will require toilets on septic tank systems.

Check the Guide to the number of toilets required

Trade Waste information and a consent application for Temporary Discharge of Liquid Wastes

Rubbish and recycling information

Any marine activities?

If you're planning any activities in or around beaches or rivers, you need approval. Our marine areas extends from Mahia up to Lottin Point.

Marine Event Application Form
Lodge application at least 40 working days before the event

Any open fires or fireworks planned?

You need a fire permit for an open fire, that includes hangi.

For a fireworks displays you need to provide a certificate for an outdoor pyrotechnic display.

Apply online www.checkitsalright.nz

See our Smokefree Policy

All our Council reserves are designated smokefree. Any Council sponsored or run events are designated smokefree under our Smokefree Outdoor Areas Policy

While compliance with the policy is voluntary, we recommend using signs at your event which can be sourced free of charge from Smokefree.org.nz

Health & Safety Plan

A health and safety management plan is required, it's a priority when organising an event. Some events will require a site safety plan and a security plan.

Talk to us for more information.

Health and safety

Event planning pages