Tono whakatomo tomokanga

Corridor access request

Approval is required to carry out any work within a road reserve.

Road reserve or 'road corridor' includes the road carriageway, footpath, berm and grassed area. It's the area from usually the front fence of a property boundary across the road to the opposite property front boundary.

Council owns the road corridor - you need approval to carry out any work within road reserve.

For information about fences that bound private property and road reserve

When corridor access request (CAR) is required

To work in the road corridor, a CAR is required for:

  • any activity that will alter, or cause to be altered, the surface of any part of the road corridor, including excavating, drilling and resurfacing
  • the placement of any pipe, duct, pole, cabinet or other structure below, on or above the road corridor.
  • a new vehicle crossing, driveway works
  • building construction (commercial)
  • scaffolding works associated with renovations or building maintenance
  • shop front fit outs/repairs/replacements
  • crane operators
  • building cleaning/painting up to 4 hours
  • events

First check the location of underground pipes and cables before you dig.

How to apply for corridor access request

Submit your request online. Register and follow the instructions on the site. 
Visit or

The declaration on the form refers to requirements of the utilities code.  
Visit NZ Utilities Advisory Group website for the code

Processing your application

Once you submit your application, allow 20 working days for processing.

You must wait until you receive your approved Work Access Permit and Traffic Management Plan before work can start. All approved documents must also be held on site.

Any obstructions to the work such as trees, stormwater drains or power poles, in liaison with the asset owners - are to be removed or relocated at the property owner's expense.

Corridor access request fees

Description Fees
Standard CAR (Based on 1.3 hours) $353
Will incur an inspection charge fee below*
Project CAR (Based on 2 hours) $353
Will incur an inspection charges fee below*
Non-Standard CAR (Based on 3 hours) $528
Will incur an inspection charge fee below*
Blanket CAR (Based on 1 hour) $176
Will incur an inspection charges fee below*
*Close inspection per site $176
Commercial utility providers can avoid this charge if they provide photographic evidence of the completed work site. This will reduce the inspection workload. These sites are assessed as low risk as these are professional tradespeople operating to the 'National Code of Practice for Utility Operators. There will be clear guidelines on requirements for this self-service aspect.
Non-Compliance $580
Minor CAR At Council discretion

Install a cattle stop or swing gate on a public road

Written permission is required to erect a swing gate or a cattle stop across any public road. Fill in the application form and return it to us.

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