Utu rēhitatanga kurī

Dog registration

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Renewing your registration

We send out annual renewal invoices to all registered dog owners in June each year. This must be paid by 31 July.  A 25% late penalty fee is applied to all late payments after 1 August.

Contact us if you have lost your invoice or you did not receive it.

Pay online

Have your renewal notice handy to enter your invoice code. You can pay online with a debit/credit card. Quickpay your registration

Internet banking - quote the code on your invoice. Here's our bank details

Pay in person at our customer service counter.

Dog registration fees and charges

New dog registration

To register a new dog or puppy, you need to complete the dog registration form. Once you've registered, you can renew your dog registration each year online.

A puppy must be registered by the time they're 3 months old.  When registered for the first time (except working farm dogs) they must be microchipped within 2 months of registration.

Tell us how you prefer to receive your annual invoice

Do you prefer to receive your annual dog registration invoice and any communication regarding registration by email or post?

Tell us by filling in the form below. Note, your dog must be already registered with us before completing the form.

Choose how you hear from us

Changed yours or your dogs details?

If you or your dog's details have changed, please let us know as soon as possible. A change includes:

  • change of owner for the dog
  • change of address for the dog
  • recent desexing
  • the death or loss of a dog

Update your contact details

Dog tags

Metal smart tags have replaced plastic tags that needed to be replaced each year.

You only need to pay registration each year, without having to wait for a tag to arrive in the mail.

The smart tag has a QR code on it, generated by Tag King. You can add your dog's name for free or pay a small one-time fee for their VIP options. The benefit is if your dog goes missing, anyone who finds a dog will be able to scan the QR code for the dog's details.

We will only be recording your dog's unique registration number on the tag. Replacement tags are available on request.

For information about the smart dog tag
Or visit their website Tag King pet ID tags

What your registration fees pay for

We provide a service 24 hour a day, 7 days that includes:

  • investigation of complaints and non-compliance
  • the dog pound and caring for offending and stray animals
  • prosecutions of people responsible for dogs that attack
  • providing information to the DIA National Dog Database
  • an education programme and materials

All councils are required under the Dog Control Act to keep a register of all dogs in their district. And to make sure owners comply with the dog control laws.

The fee takes into account the balance between all owners bearing the costs of dog control, and the benefits to ratepayers of having safe and well controlled dogs in the community.

Responsible dog owners are recognised in our fee structure and pay a lower cost as a selected owner.

Refunds or transferred from another district

If you've moved here with your dog, you just need to register your dog with us, there's no charge if you were registered with another council.

If your dog has died, please let us know as soon as possible. You may be eligible for a part refund of your registration fee.

Refunds are calculated from the date you notify us that your dog has died. You must return the registration tag if requested.

Refunds don't apply to lost, stolen or changed owners or districts.

If my dog died, can I use the same tag for my new dog?

No, you need to register your new dog and we'll issue you with a new tag, there's no cost for the new tag.

Keeping an unregistered dog is an offence under the Dog Control Act 1996. The fine for not registering your dog is $300.

If a 3-month-old pup is not registered within 30 days, a fine can be issued.

Dog registration renewal fees are due before 31 July each year. A 25% penalty fee is applied to all late payments after 1 August.