Ngā urupā


We maintain 11 public cemeteries in the Gisborne Tairāwhiti district.

Our main cemeteries are:
  • Taruheru Cemetery, Nelson Road Gisborne.
  • Tolaga Bay, Ferneaux Street.
  • Tokomaru Bay, Waiotu Road.
  • Patutahi, Cemetery Road.

We also have cemeteries at Ruatoria, Rakauroa, Ormond, Motu and Te Araroa.

Makaraka Cemetery also known as Houhoupiko, is Gisborne's earliest cemetery it's now closed and maintained as a historic site.

Cemetery plot location maps

Cemetery plot locations for our cemeteries. You can also search plots available to purchase

Online Cemetery Search Tool

Cremation records

Records up to March 1998

We hold cremation records up until March 1998. If ashes are buried in our district's cemetery, the burial record can be searched online.

If the ashes have not been buried, and you wish to find the cremation record, contact us on the online form

Records after April 1998

Evans Funeral Service has performed cremations in Gisborne since April 1998 and they hold the cremation records.
If the ashes are buried in our district's cemetery, the record can be searched online - search records

If the ashes have not been buried, please contact Evans Funeral Service, Gisborne.

Private cemeteries and urupa

We do not hold any records for private cemeteries or urupa in our district.

There are a number of urupa around our district and these are not maintained by Council. Contact the local kaumatua or a runanga representative if you require any information.