Puka whakaaetanga rawa taiao me ngā utu

Resource consent forms and fees

Gisborne District Council's resource consent application forms, fees and pamphlets.

On this page

Application fees

The fees for a resource consent are based on the application size, scope and purpose.

Once your application is accepted, staff and technical expertise time involved in processing your application will be charged.

You'll be invoiced when you receive the consent decision.

Depending on the final cost, the balance will either be invoiced or refunded to you.

Deposit fees

A deposit is required when you lodge your resource consent application. You need proof of your deposit payment with your application form.  We can't process your application without proof of deposit.

Description Fees
Land Use, Subdivision, Regional - Non Notified $1,400
Land Use, Subdivision, Regional - Notified $5,000
Section 223 deposit $250
Section 224(c) deposit $470
Combined Section 223 and Section 224(c) deposit $750
Consent Notice deposit (section 221) $110

For land subdivision, construction of a new dwelling or building, levies are payable in addition to the application fee.

The lodgment of applications as multiple documents, across multiple emails are no longer accepted.

If the file size of your application exceeds 30mb - please compress the file using an appropriate document compression application such as One Drive, Drop Box or a zip file.

Fees and charges can increase each year from 1 July.

Charges may still apply for applications that are withdrawn or incomplete.

You can pay by:

Request a deposit invoice

If a deposit invoice is required for payment, please email the team at RClodgements@gdc.govt.nz

We need to know contact name, organisation or company name and the site address.

Once your deposit invoice is issued, you can pay:

Resource consent application forms

Please talk your proposal through with our duty planner and make sure you have been through the steps before you fill in the application form.  For the step by step consent process

Note: A resource consent can only be issued to a legal entity.

If you're applying for a resource consent for a Trust, you must be an incorporated charitable trust or a Māori land trust.  If you are, please provide proof of the incorporation status such as a copy of the Trust’s Certificate of Incorporation under Section 7 Charitable Trusts Act 1957 (or as a Māori land trust) with your completed resource consent application.

For all other trusts such as a family trust, the application must be lodged in the name of a trustee as a nominated person on behalf of the trust.

Application forms are writable

Please save the form to your computer before filling it in.

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Search of council records

Search for information and land use history relating to activities or industries listed on the Hazardous Activities and Industries List (HAIL)

Apply online for a search of council records

Forestry forms and checklists

See Forestry NES-PF forms and checklists

Resource consent pamphlets and guides

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Development contributions

Information on development contributions