Eastland Port Limited - Twin Berth

Notified resource consent application.


The applicant is seeking consent for multiple applications to allow for the upgrade and extension of Gisborne Port. The proposed works include:

  • Extension of Wharf 8 to accommodate concurrent berthing of 200m and 185m shipping vessels.
  • Reclamation of the Coastal Marine Area next to the southern log yard.
  • Rebuilding the outer breakwater.
  • Upgrading stormwater treatment infrastructure in the Southern log yard.
  • Capital and maintenance dredging with disposal of dredged material to the Off Shore Disposal Ground.
Applicant's name Eastland Port Limited
Location of site Gisborne Port including existing wharf side areas, the port basin and the coastal marine area.
Consent number CP-2022-111365-00 / CD-2022-111366-00 / CC-2022-111367-00 / CR-2022-111368-00 / CO-2022-111369-00 / NC-2022-111370-00 / LU-2022-111371-00
Consents applied for Coastal Permit, Coastal Permit - Discharge to water, Coastal Permit - Construction , Coastal Permit - Dredging, Coastal Permit - Occupy Space, NES Contamination in Soil, Land Use
Status Granted - Submissions close 27/10/2022
Address for service PO Box 1048 or 2 Crawford Road, Gisborne. 4010
Email address for service hello@eastland.nz
Online submission How to make a submission
Application documents
Submissions received

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How to make a submission

Submissions closed 27 October 2022.

Any person may make a written submission on the application.  Submissions must be received by Council either via email notifiedRC@gdc.govt.nz, post at PO Box 747 Gisborne 4040, or over counter at our customer services desk, 15 Fitzherbert Street, Gisborne no later than 5pm 27 October 2022.

A copy of your submission must also be sent to the applicant, Eastland Port Limited at hello@eastland.nz, post PO Box 1048, Gisborne 4040 or 2 Crawford, Gisborne 4010.

You also need to tell us if you wish to attend the hearing and speak in support of your submission.

We must receive your submission before the closing date and time listed above.

See The online submission form and more information on making a submission.