Me pēhea te tono tāpaetanga

How to make a submission

The Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA) allows you to make a submission on a publicly notified consent if you think it will affect you in some way:

  • proposed plan, plan change or variation
  • notice of requirement for a designation
  • notified resource consent

This is one way to get involved in Council decisions that affect the environment.

Making a submission on a notified resource consent

A copy of your submission must also be sent to the applicant.

You need to tell us if you wish to attend the hearing and speak in support of your submission.

We must receive your submission before the closing date and time on the advertised notice.

You can make a submission by filling in the online form, or download and send us the PDF form.

Online Submission Form

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Make a submission on a plan change or variation

Each plan change has its own submission form.

The submission form will be with the details of the proposed plan change or variation.

See plan changes and variations to the Tairawhiti Resource Management Plan

Your submission must be received by us before the closing date and time on the advertised notice.

Council will publish a summary of the submissions received.

Then there's a chance to make further submissions supporting or opposing submissions already made.

You can only make a further submission if you represent a relevant public interest or if you have an interest greater than the general public.

If anyone asks to be heard in support of their submission, a hearing will be held.

After considering all submissions Council will publish its decision on the variation including reasons for accepting or rejecting submissions.

Any submitter may appeal the decision to the Environment Court.

Make a submission on a notice of requirement

A copy of your submission must also be sent to the applicant. All information provided in your submission is available to the public (on request).

Your submission must be received by us before the closing date and time on the advertised notice.

Submissions may be emailed to or hand delivered to a Council customer service.

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