Whakaaetanga Ngahere

Forestry consents

National Environmental Standards for Plantation Forestry

The National Environmental Standards for Plantation Forestry (NES-PF) applied from 1 May 2018.

The NES-PF objectives are to maintain or improve the environmental outcomes associated with managing plantation forestry activities, and to increase efficiencies and certainty of managing these activities under the Resource Management Act (RMA).

NES-PF regulations cover 8 core plantation forestry activities that have potential environmental effects:

· afforestation· pruning and thinning to waste· earthworks
· river crossings· forestry quarrying· harvesting
· mechanical land preparation· replanting 

Foresters who undertake any of these plantation forestry activities will need to comply with the NES-PF.

The NES-PF applies to any forest of at least one hectare that's been planted specifically for commercial purposes and will be harvested.

NES-PF are regulations under the RMA that provide a nationally consistent standards to manage the environmental effects of plantation forestry activities.

Do I need a resource consent?

These checklists will guide you as to whether the activity requires a resource consent.

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Local rules and permitted activities

Under Regulation 6 of the NES-PF there's a range of situations where our Tairawhiti Plan rules still apply.

Check where Local Rules Still Apply in our District

The key parts of the Tairawhiti Plan where the rules still apply are in relation to:

  • Coastal management
  • Cultural and historic heritage
  • Freshwater
  • Natural heritage

Email us if you have any questions.

You must notify Council of any forestry activities which meet the permitted activity standards, they are:

  • afforestation
  • earthworks
  • river crossings
  • forestry quarrying
  • harvesting.

Permitted activities must be notified to us on the Notice to Undertake Permitted Plantation Forestry Activities form above. The form must also include the required management plan.

This needs to be submitted at least 20 working days and no more than 60 working days prior to the activity starting. Email applications rclodgements@gdc.govt.nz

Helpful links and information

If you have any questions please contact us.

The National Environmental Standards for Plantation Forestry

The Tairawhiti Resource Management Plan - shows where the NES-PF applies and when our rules prevail over the NES-PF.

Tairawhiti Maps - the erosion and susceptibility classification and associated layers, NZLRI, geology and soil types.

The Ministry for Primary Industries has developed guidance

Erosion Susceptibility Classification
Can be used to check erosion risk and whether activities will be undertaken on land which may require a resource consent.

Fish Spawning Indicator
Can be used to assess environmental risks when disturbing rivers, streams, lakes, and wetlands when fish are spawning.

Wilding Tree Risk Calculator
For assessing for the risk of conifer species spreading to land outside the plantation.

NES-PF Guidance
MPI has developed guidance to help understand and implement NES-PF

Forest Practice Guides - best practice guides for forestry activities.