Ngā Tono Whakawhanaketanga

Development contributions

Development contributions reduce the pressure on rates and Council debt by requiring contributions from developers to fund infrastructure associated with their developments.

Applications will be assessed for development contributions under this policy.

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About development contributions

We will assess the following types of applications to determine whether development contributions are required:

  • resource consent for subdivision
  • creation of new residential dwellings, including relocation of a house
  • building consent - new buildings or extensions of gross floor area of buildings
  • change in use of a building
  • increase in the design occupants of a visitor accommodation or residential services activity
  • increase in the area of impervious surfaces
  • service connection for water, wastewater, trade waste and stormwater
Applications for which development contributions are assessed
  • reserves
  • transport
  • water supply
  • wastewater
  • stormwater

A development contribution will apply to any increases in Household Unit Equivalent (HUE) within the area served by the infrastructure. Payment is required before:

  • Building consent is uplifted.
  • A section 224c certificate is issued for a subdivision.
  • A service connection is provided or connected.

Development contributions are charged on a new development that creates growth leading to additional demand on Council infrastructure. It helps to pay for roads, water supply, wastewater and stormwater disposal and reserves and community facilities needed to meet the additional demand. This demand can come from a range of projects including residential, commercial or industrial development. A development contribution may apply to your project if you are:

  • subdividing land
  • building or relocating a dwelling onto vacant land subdivided after 2008
  • adding an additional household unit or flat
  • dividing one household unit into 2 or more household units
  • adding a new service connection to water, wastewater, trade waste or stormwater
  • changing the use of a building

We will assess your project to see if a development contribution is payable when you submit your building or subdivision application. We'll give you a calculated cost before your consent is issued.  
Examples of development contribution estimates:

  • a new dwelling in the city - about $11,500
  • a new dwelling in a non-serviced rural area - about $2,600
  • a minor dwelling under 60m2 – about $5,800

These costs are only estimates as the design of your building may attract a higher development contribution fee. Development contributions will be invoiced and are payable with either the resource consent, building consent or service connection.

Cost of growth - contributing to infrastructure.

The contribution funds some of Council's infrastructure, including roads, water supply, wastewater, stormwater disposal and reserves and open spaces.