

Maintaining, restoring or planning a wetland in Tairāwhiti

Any land that is permanently or frequently wet and supports a natural ecosystem of plants and animals adapted to wetland living is called a wetland.

Damp land with wetland plants such as temporary ponds, low-lying land with patches of rushes, or temporary watercourses are wetlands that can be good places to restore or convert into a permanent wetland.

Wetlands are some of New Zealand’s most diverse habitats. They’re home to an amazing range of plants and animals, many of which are not found anywhere else in the world. They are also some of our most rare and at risk ecosystems.

Are you planning any maintenance or restoration of a wetland?

Before you start any work in a wetland area including weed control, please complete the wetland restoration plan. This will ensure we have the information and you comply with national and regional rules regarding wetlands.

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If you want to create or restore a wetland

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Support for wetland restoration

If you have a wetland on your property, we can offer advice and support to help keep it healthy and restore it.

We may be able to provide funding for your wetland enhancement or restoration project. For more information visit Natural Heritage Fund.

Rules for carrying out activities in a wetland

Refer to C6.4 of the Tairāwhiti Resource Management Plan