Hangaroa River banner image

Te Mahere Kohinga Wai o Hangaroa-Ruakituri

Southern (Hangaroa-Ruakituri) Catchment Plan

Gisborne District Council will be preparing to develop a Southern (Hangaroa-Ruakituri) Catchment plan as part of its implementation of the National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management.

The Southern or Hangaroa-Ruakituri catchment plan, will also include the Mangahauini and smaller adjacent coastal catchments within the Gisborne region. The plan will set the regulatory and non-regulatory framework for water quality and quantity within the catchment that will eventually sit within the Tairāwhiti Resource Management Plan.

Timeline for 2024

This catchment planning process is due to start in 2024

Development of the Southern  (Hangatoa-Ruakituri) Catchment Plan will:

  • Ensure the mauri and values of waterways are recognised.
  • Ensure the interests and rights of tangata whenua are reflected in the plan.
  • Ensure residents and stakeholders have opportunities to inform how water will be managed.
  • Provide clear direction for sustainable management of freshwater in the catchment.

Engagement with tangata whenua

Tikanga, mātauranga, kaitiakitanga and the aspirations of mana whenua are essential for designing the values, objectives, limits and activities in the catchment plan.

Community Engagement

We'll hold community workshops with residents and whānau from the catchment communities. All meetings are open to everyone.

Through community engagement we will:

  • Identify issues and values of waterbodies in the catchment
  • Map freshwater management units (FMU)
  • Formulate objectives
  • Set targets
  • Set limits for water quality and quantity
  • Outline non-regulatory projects that support achieving objectives and targets

The catchment plans should be ready for public notification by the end of 2026.

Map of the Southern (Hangaroa-Ruakituri) Catchment

Southern Catchment

How to get involved

  • Check for any open engagements - kōrero mai via our engagement portal
  • Ask us a question - email the team at trmp@gdc.govt.nz
  • Sign up for Council News | He Pānuiusing this form.