Council is preparing to develop a Northern Catchment Plan as part of its implementation of the National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management.
The Northern Catchment Plan will include the Wharekahika, Waikura, Karakatuwhero, Awatere, Orutua and Waipapa catchments within Tairāwhiti. The plan will set the regulatory and non-regulatory framework for water quality and quantity within the catchment and eventually sit within the Tairāwhiti Resource Management Plan.
This catchment planning process will start this 2025 with the formation of a Local Panel.
The catchment plan is scheduled to be ready for public notification by end of 2026.
Development of the Northern Catchment Plan
- Ensure the mauri and values of waterways are recognised.
- Ensure the interests and rights of tangata whenua are reflected in the plan.
- Ensure residents and stakeholders have opportunities to inform how water will be managed.
- Provide clear direction for sustainable management of freshwater in the catchment.
Engagement with tangata whenua
The Northern catchment area lies within the rohe of Ngāti Porou iwi, with the Raukokere and Whangaparaoa River catchments also extending into the rohe of Te Whānau ā Apanui and the Bay of Plenty region.
We will update this section once dates for tangata whenua engagement are finalised.
Northern Catchment Local Panel
We are forming a local panel of highly engaged community members with a strong interest in freshwater catchment planning. The panel will play an important role in helping inform the development of the catchment plan and keeping communities informed about the planning process.
Council and panel members will also facilitate public hui in 2025 to broaden community engagement.
This plan will guide freshwater management by forming a values-based vision, with actions to achieve this vision, for all the waterways in the catchments. It will set objectives and regulations to help us manage water quality and quantity.
About the Northern Catchment
The Northern Catchment covers approximately 669km2 in area. The townships in this catchment are Pōtaka, Wharekahika (Hicks Bay), and Te Araroa. The catchment includes:
- Waikura catchment
- Whangaparaoa catchment
- Wharekahika catchment
- Karakatuwhero catchment
- Awatere catchment
- Orutua catchment
- Waipapa catchment
- Several small catchments along the coastal margin: between Wharekahika and Karakatuwhero catchments, between Awatere and Orutua catchments, between Orutua and Waipapa catchments, and the eastern coast of the Waipapa catchment.
The Wharekahika catchment is the most northern catchment in the Gisborne District has its headwaters bounding the Bay of Plenty region. It discharges into Hick’s Bay from a catchment area of 148 km2.
Land cover in the Wharekahika catchment is mainly indigenous scrub and forest with some extensive farming near the mouth and limited areas of exotic pine forest.
Native fish species that inhabit the Wharekahika are a key value and water quality is generally maintained due to a lack of erosion prone soils in the catchment and the minimal modification that has taken place from intensive landuse. Native fish in the Wharekahika have been ranked as nationally significant by a River values assessment project (RIVAS)
The Wharekahika has a permanent monitoring site near the Wharf road bridge approximately 1km inland from the river mouth. Data has been collected from this location six times per year and information is available from 1995.
The Awatere river has a catchment area of 172 km2. Tributaries include the Kopuapounamu and the Tauraungakautuka rivers. More than half the catchment is in either indigenous or exotic forest cover.
Several operators extract shingle for roading from the Awatere and its tributaries.
Native fish species in the Awatere catchment are found in good numbers and native fish have been assessed as bieing of national significance by a River Values Assessment project (RIVAS).
Water quality in the Awatere has been monitored since 2003 with some, less reliable information available for the period from 1973-1983.
Karakatuwhero river flows from the northern tip of the Raukumara ranges into the bay at Te Araroa East Cape. The catchment size is not large with an area of 78 km2. Tributaries cover areas of ancient basalt rock formations that are steep and provide a supply of hard boulders that drop into the river and tributaries, providing habitat for a good range of native fish . Hochstetters frog populations are found within the catchment.
Good quality shingle is extracted from the Karakatuwhero, providing a valuable resource for East Cape roads. Land cover is predominantly indigenous.
Map of the Northern Catchment
How to get involved
We'll be asking for expressions of interest in the advisory group later this year, but in the meantime you can:
- Check for any open engagements - kōrero mai via our engagement portal
- Ask us a question - email the team at
- Sign up for Council News | He Pānui - using this form.