Mahere Whakahaere horo whenua o te Tahuna o Wainui

Wainui Beach Erosion Management Strategy

Gisborne District Council's strategy for managing coastal erosion at Wainui Beach.

This strategy was developed with the help of coastal experts and key stakeholders representing interest groups. Council adopted the strategy on 7 August 2014, it replaces the pervious strategy written in 2003.

Wainui Beach extends about 6km between Tuahine Point and Makorori Point. The beach consists of a predominantly sandy shoreline, backed by a substantial dune system between the 2 rocky headlands.

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Development of the plan

The following are the notes and presentations from public meetings that were held to assist in the development of the strategy.

11 June 2014 meeting - Presentation PDF, 2440.81 KB

30 April 2014 meeting - Presentation PDF, 885.94 KB

2 April 2014 meeting - Presentation PDF, 2340.65 KB

13 November 2013 meeting - Presentation PDF, 1584.28 KB |   Record of meeting PDF, 357.14 KB

28 August 2013 meeting - Presentation PDF, 2764.15 KB

5 December 2012 meeting - Presentation PDF, 1952.51 KB |  Record of meeting PDF, 76.98 KB

28 November 2012 meeting Presentation PDF, 1471.01 KB |  Record of meeting PDF, 100.55 KB |  Discussion document PDF, 52.88 KB Preliminary screening comments PDF, 522.31 KB

17 October 2012 meeting  Presentation PDF, 822.53 KB |   Record of meeting PDF, 50.74 KB

17 September 2012 meeting Presentation PDF, 1157.08 KB |   Record of meeting PDF, 102.06 KB

12 September 2012 - Specialist advisers presentation PDF, 8849.42 KB |    Record of meeting PDF, 34.71 KB

22 August 2012 - PowerPoint presentation PDF, 1456.39 KB at the meeting - read together with Record of meeting PDF, 47.27 KB

These relevant existing documents provide detailed background information to where we are today.

Wainui Beach Management Strategy for Coastal Erosion : Background and Discussion Document.

Tonkin & Taylor - Coastal Hazard Assessment Review. Richard Reinen-Hamill PDF, 51.21 KB

Tonkin & Taylor - Detailed Screening of Potential Options. Richard Reinen-Hamill PDF, 1799.99 KB

Tonkin & Taylor - Wainui Beach Profile Summary. Richard Reinen-Hamill PDF, 2577.86 KB

Eco-i - Surfbreaks Report. Dr Amber Dunn PDF, 170.9 KB

Summary of the 2003 Wainui Beach Management Strategy PDF, 15.88 KB
We have summarised the consent of some of the documents for easier understanding.

Summary of Erosion of Wainui Beach by Dr P Komar PDF, 33.74 KB - full report Erosion of Wainui Beach by Dr P Komar PDF, 1272.63 KB

The Spectrum of Coastal Structures Used to Combat Erosion at Wainui Beach PDF, 276.81 KB - Amber Dunn and Willem de Lange

Summary of 3 GNS Tsunami Reports PDF, 41.48 KB

a) GNS Tsunami Hazard and Risks PDF, 2877.84 KB b) GNS NZ Preparedness PDF, 1735.34 KB

c) Tsunami Inundation Study pages 1-19 PDF, 1111.35 KB |   TIS - pages 20-69 PDF, 1804.02 KB |   TIS - pages 70-129 PDF, 1855.39 KB

Summary of Dr J Gibb Report PDF, 41.42 KB

Summary of Tonkin & Taylor WBMS PDF, 30.54 KB - full report Tonkin & Taylor WBMS Review PDF, 1192.63 KB

Resource Consent Application and Decision PDF, 1602.4 KB Summary of Application and Commissioners' decision PDF, 25.69 KB

Rivers and Land Drainage section of Council applied for resource consent to allow for the removal of a rail iron/piled log wall and replacement with a sloping rock revetment between the concrete groyne south of the Tuahine accessway and the Wainui Stream.

WD Lynsar and Wainui Beach Management Plan