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Tairāwhiti Open Space Maintenance and Transfer Station Management Services Contract

Council is seeking to fulfil Regional Tairāwhiti Open Space Maintenance and Transfer Station Management Contract(s) - which involves the delivery of parks and open space maintenance services and transfer station maintenance across regional areas within the Tairāwhiti/Gisborne district.

The current regional contracts are due to expire in mid-2025 and it's proposed to reduce the 9 existing contracts to 3 fixed term contracts commencing from July 2025. The purpose of this procurement is to select one or multiple contractors to provide the service delivery across 3 service delivery contracts.

Providing well maintained and cared for parks, gardens and public facilities is important to the residents, businesses and visitors to Tairawhiti/Gisborne district. The key objective of this procurement is to improve service delivery in a cost-effective manner and continue to deliver local services by local service providers (people located at place).

Council is seeking tenders from those who have the relevant capability and capacity to provide these services for the next 5-7 years, in the following 3 contract areas:

  • Matakaoa-Waiapu Contract (East)
  • Tawhiti-Uawa Contract (Central)
  • Waipaoa Contract (Western)
How to submit a tender

All information related to this is advertised on GETS (Government Electronic Tender Service) along with all relevant tender information.

GETS is a free service designed to promote open, fair competition for government contract opportunities.

If you're interested in submitting a tender, it's important that you register with GETS, as your tender response must be submitted through the GETS Portal.

Council will not receive any tenders in any other form.

Registering with GETS allows you to stay up to date with all communications related to this tender opportunity. All notices to tenderers, questions and responses and other communication will be posted Via GETS for the benefit of all potential suppliers.

Here's the link GETS.GOVT.NZ

Supplier briefing and Q&A session

An supplier briefing/Q&A session will be held online via Microsoft Teams on Monday 14 October between 4pm - 5pm.

A meeting invitation will be sent to all suppliers who download the tender information from GETS before 9am on 14 October.

The session will provide a brief overview of the tender opportunity, key aspects such as contract areas, scope/specification and pricing schedules, as well as an opportunity to ask questions.

Keys dates

Supplier briefing/Q&A session (online)

Monday 14 October at 4pm

Tender closes

Friday 8 November 2024 at 3pm

Expected start date of Contract (indicative)

1 July 2025

Please note this page will not be updated, all updated information will be via GETS