Whakamihi ā-ture

Statutory Acknowledgements

Ngā Whakaaetanga ā Ture mō Te Tairāwhiti incorporates statutory acknowledgements from Treaty of Waitangi settlement legislation within the Gisborne district.

In 2012 Ngati Porou was the first iwi in the Gisborne district to have their statutory acknowledgements recognised in this document.

This document covers the following changes:

  • Statutory acknowledgments for Ngāti Porou, Rongowhakaata, Ngai Tāmanuhiri, and for the iwi and hapū of Te Rohe o Te Wairoa, which fall within our region’s boundaries.
  • Statutory overlay for the Ngā Rohe Moana o Ngā Hapū o Ngāti Porou Act 2019, with details of the management arrangement for each area, a description and names of hapū.
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Gisborne District Council has given effect to the Ngāti Porou Claims Settlement Act 2012; Ngai Tāmanuhiri Claims Settlement Act 2012 and Rongowhakaata Claims Settlement Act 2012 by attaching information recording their collective statutory acknowledgements to Tairāwhiti Resource Management Plan.

Statutory areas

  • Waiapu River and its tributaries upstream of the coastal marine area.
  • Ūawa River and its tributaries upstream of the coastal marine area.
  • Turanganui River and its tributaries (to the extent that this area is within the area of interest), upstream of the coastal marine area.
  • Waimata River (as a tributary of the Turanganui River) to the extent that this area is within the area of interest), upstream of the coastal marine area.

  • Ngai Tāmanuhiri coastal marine area; and
  • Part Waipaoa River (including Karaua Stream)

  • Turanganui River within Rongowhakaata area of interest.
  • Taruheru River within Rongowhakaata area of interest.
  • Waipaoa River (including Karaua Stream) within Rongowhakaata area of interest.
  • Waimata River within Rongowhakaata area of interest.
  • Hangaroa River within Rongowhakaata area of interest.
  • Te Arai River within Rongowhakaata area of interest.
  • Waikanae Creek within Rongowhakaata area of interest.
  • Rongowhakaata coastal marine area within Rongowhakaata area of interest.

  • Nuhaka River and tributaries
  • Wairoa River and its tributaries
  • Hangaroa River and its tributaries
  • Mangapoike River and its tributaries
  • Ruakituri River and its tributaries

What are statutory acknowledgements?

A Statutory Acknowledgement is a formal recognition by the Crown of the mana of tangata whenua over a specified area.  It recognises the particular cultural, spiritual, historical and traditional association of an iwi with the site, which is identified as a Statutory Area.

Statements of statutory acknowledgements are set out in Treaty of Waitangi settlement legislation.

Statutory Areas only relate to Crown-owned land and include areas of land, geographic features, lakes, rivers, wetlands, and coastal marine areas.

Gisborne District Council must have regard to statutory acknowledgements relating to a statutory area in deciding, under section 95E of the Resource Management Act 1991, whether the trustee is an affected person in respect of an application for a resource consent for an activity within, adjacent to, or that directly affects the statutory area.

For more information contact our policy planning team.