Ngā mahere whakahaere a ngā iwi me ngā hapū

Iwi and hapū joint management plans

Iwi and Hapū Management Plans are a policy statement that describe resource management issues important to them as tangata whenua.

The plans provide iwi resource management strategies for sustainable development of natural and physical resources.

They may also have information relating to specific cultural values, historical accounts, descriptions of areas of interest, hapū and iwi boundaries (rohe) and consultation and engagement protocols for resource consent and plan changes.

Please note the plans are not a substitute for consultation or partnership.

The importance of Hapū / Iwi Management Plans

Hapū and Iwi Management Plans provide a mechanism for tangata whenua interests to be considered in Council processes.

There are specific legislative requirements which place a duty on Council staff to take these plans into account. In practice, Council's must balance a number of competing interests including hapū and iwi plans.

Gisborne District Council recognises the importance of these planning documents.

Hapū / Iwi Management Plans lodged with Council

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Over 50 members of Nga Ariki Kaiputahi presented their plan to Council on 26 April 2012. It is the first such plan to be presented at a full meeting of Council. The plan is a high level document, foreshadowing further kaupapa-specific detail to be provided in manuals that are being developed. Many of the aspirations expressed about sustainable management of natural and physical resources align with Council policies.

The area covered by the Iwi Management Plan contains the areas of Mangatu No's 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 and 6 as well as Whatatutu and Manukawhitikitiki as indicated on the map on page 19 of the Plan.

The Nga Ariki Kaiputahi Hapu/Iwi Management Plan establishes the strategic vision for the sustainable management of natural and physical resources within the rohe of the Mangatu. The vision expresses that Nga Ariki Kaiputahi:

“…exercising their Tino Rangatiratanga, kotahitanga, kaitiakitanga, manaakitanga, wairuatanga and hauora values in respect of all maunga, whenua, awa, catchment areas and resources within the Mangatu rohe”.

Sustainable Best Management practice is suggested as a way for Nga Ariki Kaiputahi to uphold this vision.