Tūtakitanga Iwi Māori

Engaging Māori

We have a policy and internal framework that guide us in our role as a Treaty partner with Māori.

Tairāwhiti Piritahi: Fostering Māori Participation in Council Decision-Making

This policy outlines Gisborne District Council’s approach and plans to achieving sustainable Tairāwhiti outcomes in partnership with Māori.

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Te Tiriti Compass

An internally facing framework adopted by Council on 29 September 2022.

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The compass is a new tool to support organisational understanding and application of Te Tiriti o Waitangi across our mahi. It guides the standard to which we hold ourselves in our role as a Treaty partner. It does so by:

  • Using the 4 articles of Te Tiriti as the foundation for our actions.
  • Providing Council commitments against each article. These commitments illustrate our interpretation of these articles in a Local Government context.
  • Outlining 4 outcomes, one for each article. These outcomes reflect existing strategic direction provided by our Tairāwhiti Piritahi Policy. They also acknowledge existing inequity for Māori, and the desire to understand and empower mana whenua aspirations in our decision-making.
Who will use it?

Te Tiriti Compass provides points of commitment and expectation for elected members navigating the space of Te Tiriti Partnership, and relationship building with tangata whenua.

Staff will need to have regard for the compass and its framework when undertaking planning for projects, giving advice that will inform decisions and in other operational BAU. Implementation guidance to support staff uptake and application of the compass is intended to be developed in 2023.

Why have we got it?

Te Tiriti Compass is a starting point for Council and signals our intent to transition away from taking Te Tiriti o Waitangi into account- instead we aim to give effect to Te Tiriti. This is the first iteration of this compass, which will grow and change over time as our understanding of Te Tiriti o Waitangi, and our role as a local authority evolves.

The compass works alongside other relevant Council policy to enhance existing direction and improve future integration of advice on Te Tiriti partnership matters. Examples include Tairāwhiti Piritahi: Fostering Māori Participation in Council Decision Making, Significance and Engagement Policy and strategic outcomes and vision captured in our Long Term Plan.