Annual Plan 2022/23 banner image

Mahere ā-tau 2022/23

2022-23 Annual Plan

Tō Tātau Tairāwhiti Māhere ā-Tau 2022/23 - Our Tairāwhiti 2022/23 Annual Plan.

Gisborne District Council adopted its 2022/23 Annual Plan on 23 June 2022. It's the second year of our 2021-2031 Long Term Plan.

The plan outlines our continued commitment to delivering on the aims of our current Long Term Plan - established in consultation with the people of Tairāwhiti - to provide quality, resilient infrastructure and services that support our community’s wellbeing, while striving to support the kaitiaki of our rohe.

The focus of the 2022/23 Annual Plan will be to continue to:

  • navigate the changing legislative environment within which we work
  • build our treaty relationships and partnerships
  • effectively deliver our major capital investment projects
  • support the kaitiaki of our rohe to ensure our natural resources are managed sustainably, through effective planning and place shaping.

2022/23 Annual Plan

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What we plan to achieve

  • Completing the Wastewater Treatment Plant upgrade to improve the water quality in Tūranganui-a-Kiwa - Poverty Bay.
  • Completing Kiwa Pools by late March 2023 – a modern multi-purpose pool facility the whole community can enjoy
  • Commencing the first stage of the Uawa cycle and walkway - involving a 5.6km path from Uawa Bridge on SH35 around Tolaga Bay township.
  • Continuing the acceleration of the delivery of the Waipaoa River Flood Control Scheme, giving greater protection to our community and more resilience against floods.
  • Delivering more township upgrades in Te Araroa, Wharekahika, Tikitiki, Rangitukia, Ruatoria and Tiniroto to support the wellbeing of our smaller communities.
  • Continuing investment in critical infrastructure, including $8m from the Provincial Growth Fund, for roading resilience works and route security for safer passage on our roads.
  • Reviewing the Tairāwhiti Resource Management Plan and our freshwater planning programme.
  • Advancing the ongoing Waingake Transformation Programme.
  • Beginning our journey towards reaching net-zero emissions by 2030.