Media releases

We only hold media releases on our website for the past year. If you're after something published earlier, please contact us at

Our media releases

First Nations share learnings living with a fault line

“We are separated by hemispheres, but we face the same challenges of a shared hazard,” said TEMO manager Ben Green of his visit to Washington State.

Council scientist to present research at international conference

Dr Cave’s work gained international attention after a presentation at the New Zealand Rivers Conference in late 2023.

Explosive find from a century ago

NZ Police said in a statement they were alerted around 8pm on Tuesday by council staff.

Relationships key to a successful response

Group welfare manager Dallas Haynes says kanohi ki te kanohi (face to face) creates a connectivity that ensures a far smoother relationship during an emergency.

Look out for lower speed limits in Tairāwhiti

The CBD’s new 30km speed signs will enhance the safety for pedestrians and cyclists.

Double honours for Kiwa Pools

Tā (Sir) Derek Lardelli of Lardelli Arts collaborated with Architecture HDT and Apollo Projects to ensure the essence of Tairāwhiti history is in every corner of the facility.

Unwanted intruder in Tairāwhiti waters

"We believe this mussel was brought into our waters through a contaminated vessel,” Council Biosecurity team leader Phillip Karaitiana.

Prime opportunity for hospitality venture

You’d need to be whānau-focussed with a strong interest in coffee. This café is a go-to during any visit to the pool complex.

Seeking individuals for key catchment working group

Council is seeking community members interested in joining the Ūawa Catchment Working Group.

Cutting-edge technology for Waimatā River

Weather permitting, the LiDAR drone will cover the entire stretch of river with work expected to be finished by the end of June.

Enhanced camping experience in Tairāwhiti

This year 1673 camping permits were issued, but we estimate that only half of the actual campers obtained permits,

Te Puru Bridge closures over May

Work to strengthen and stabilise Te Puru Bridge starts this week with repairs expected to last until the end of May.