Work at Taruheru Cemetery

28 February 2025

Visitors to the Taruheru Cemetery over the coming weeks will notice work happening in some areas.

Ongoing rain events and a high water table have made the ground very uneven in parts, making it unsafe for visitors and difficult for the cemetery team to maintain.

Work starts on Monday on the RSA area to ensure it will be reinstated in time for Anzac Day before moving to blocks 26, 28, 30, 36, 38 and 40.

The grass will be sprayed off and the ground relevelled by bringing in additional topsoil and resowing grass. The work is expected to take around four weeks and may include watering the new grass should there be insufficient rain.

Memorabilia and flowers on the affected grass area will be carefully relocated to the berm before work starts.

Access to the work areas may be restricted if machinery is working. Visitors are asked to please be aware of contractors and machinery and avoid walking on the new grass until it is established.

Work on preparing the extension of the cemetery will then start on Monday 10 March. It will include relevelling, regrassing, installing a new fence, bollards along the front and preparing new ash gardens. Ash Garden spaces will be available for purchase once the work is completed.

The improvements are all part of Council’s ongoing work at the cemetery to ensure it is welcoming and safe for people to visit their loved ones who have passed.

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Section 1 is the RSA areas, Section 2 are the Blocks and the extension is the triangle-shaped area.