Low-flying aircraft mapping wetlands

13 /01/2025

Council is progressing wetlands mapping in Te Tairāwhiti, which is required by the National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management 2020.

A fixed-wing aircraft will be flying low over the region from January through to April 2025 when weather conditions are favourable.

The plane is capturing oblique imagery, which is taken at a 45 degree angle to the ground to improve our understanding of wetlands in our region.

We will also use the imagery for improving our Te Karaka Flood Control Scheme and Waipaoa River Flood Control Scheme.

The first area to be flown will be from Te Karaka down the Waipaoa River to the coast. Flights will then move on to the Waimatā - Pakarae catchment before covering the remainder of the region.

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