Media releases

We hold media releases on our website for the past year. If you're after something published earlier, please contact us at

Our media releases

Track closed for tree felling

Track from Hillview Terrace to Valley Rd closed for tree removal 24 - 26 March

Monkey comb eradication

Stout Street single lane near Pine St, 17 - 21 March as pest plant tackled.

Council proposes changes to sensitive site provisions

Have your say on the proposed amendments to the sensitive sites provisions of the Tairāwhiti Local Alcohol Policy 2024.

Work at Taruheru Cemetery

In 2 areas, the grass will be sprayed, the ground relevelled with more topsoil and resown.

Time to shape future waste management

Help shape the future of waste management in Tairāwhiti.

Progress on cyclone-damaged bridges

2 years on and a major milestone - over half of the 97 bridges requiring major repairs are now complete.

Empowering communities to lead their recovery

Tiniroto hall received a new roof and a solar power fit-out and now has a backup generator and emergency radios.

Cenotaph spruce up

This is significant in preserving our heritage and ensuring the Cenotaph remains in good condition.

AI game-changer for woody debris

AI is a smarter and more cost-effective way to quickly identify the location of woody debris and estimate volumes.

Massive year ahead for road repairs

$78m to be spent on repairing more than 600 cyclone-damaged sites over the next 3 years

2 years on from Cyclone Gabrielle

Mayor Rehette Stoltz reflects on 2 years since Cyclone Gabrielle changed our region forever.

Collaborative effort for a sustainable future

Transformation is underway in Tairāwhiti where a cross-sector group is developing guidelines to transition erosion-prone land toward a more sustainable future.