Town beach clean-up starts today

Thursday  3 July, 2024

Following last week’s storm, crews will start clearing woody debris off town beaches from today.

Heavy machinery is being set up at Waikanae and Midway beaches and Council Journeys Infrastructure Manager Dave Hadfield asks everyone to make sure children and any dogs are kept away from the excavators and trucks.

“There will be spotters and signs on site to ensure public safety as well.”

Mr Hadfield said the clean-up crews would focus on the areas between Waikanae Cut and Captain Morgans, as well as 100 metres either side of the Midway Surf Club.

“Crews will work around the tides on Midway and Waikanae between the hours of 5am and 11pm, on weekdays only, for the next three weeks. The wood will be taken off-site for high-oxygen burning.

“As well as these two areas, any other piece of wood that looks like it could remobilise with the tide will also be removed.”

Mr Hadfield says the extended hours of operation could cause some disturbance to nearby residents.

“We apologise in advance. We want to get this work done efficiently to minimise any disruption.”

Mr Hadfield said after this clean, the beaches will be groomed again from mid-September to prepare them for the busy summer period.

“We will also ensure ongoing monitoring is carried out to ensure any large woody material that could be a risk is removed.

“We are working on a plan for other beaches around our region but have prioritised the town beaches because they are the most well-used.”

Coastal areas around Tairāwhiti were again inundated with tonnes of wood after huge swells, wind and rain battered the region on Tuesday 25 June.

The town beaches were last cleaned in September 2023.

town beach clean July 2024

woody debris waikanae 26 june 2024