Large landslide at Te Kurī a Paoa Young Nicks Head

Monday 12 August, 2024

Another large landslide has occurred in the region. This time at Te Kurī a Paoa Young Nicks Head.

It occurred over the weekend and has prompted a warning from Council to avoid the area.

Council’s Principal Scientist Murry Cave says the landslide was discovered on Sunday morning.

The owner of the Young Nick’s Station, local iwi and the community of Muriwai have been alerted.

“There is still a risk of landfall around this area and we are asking everyone to please stay clear.

“There will be further assessments made this week and we will update the community when we know more information.”

“We have observed a number of such failures in the last month.”

Dr Cave asks anyone who has observed active slope failures or has seen unusual signs of movement on their land (for example open cracks forming or hollows developing where these have not been observed previously), to contact Gisborne District Council so that these possible risks can be assessed.

Gisborne Harbourmaster Peter Buell says it’s important boaties avoid approaching the area. “These kind of landslides can create unsafe sea conditions.”

Pictures of the landslide below by Dr Murry Cave:

August 2024 Large landslide at Te Kurī a Paoa Young Nick’s Head