Media releases
First Nations share learnings living with a fault line
“We are separated by hemispheres, but we face the same challenges of a shared hazard,” said TEMO manager Ben Green of his visit to Washington State.
Council scientist to present research at international conference
Dr Cave’s work gained international attention after a presentation at the New Zealand Rivers Conference in late 2023.
Explosive find from a century ago
NZ Police said in a statement they were alerted around 8pm on Tuesday by council staff.
Relationships key to a successful response
Group welfare manager Dallas Haynes says kanohi ki te kanohi (face to face) creates a connectivity that ensures a far smoother relationship during an emergency.
Look out for lower speed limits in Tairāwhiti
The CBD’s new 30km speed signs will enhance the safety for pedestrians and cyclists.
Double honours for Kiwa Pools
Tā (Sir) Derek Lardelli of Lardelli Arts collaborated with Architecture HDT and Apollo Projects to ensure the essence of Tairāwhiti history is in every corner of the facility.
Unwanted intruder in Tairāwhiti waters
"We believe this mussel was brought into our waters through a contaminated vessel,” Council Biosecurity team leader Phillip Karaitiana.
Prime opportunity for hospitality venture
You’d need to be whānau-focussed with a strong interest in coffee. This café is a go-to during any visit to the pool complex.
Seeking individuals for key catchment working group
Council is seeking community members interested in joining the Ūawa Catchment Working Group.
Cutting-edge technology for Waimatā River
Weather permitting, the LiDAR drone will cover the entire stretch of river with work expected to be finished by the end of June.
Enhanced camping experience in Tairāwhiti
This year 1673 camping permits were issued, but we estimate that only half of the actual campers obtained permits,
Te Puru Bridge closures over May
Work to strengthen and stabilise Te Puru Bridge starts this week with repairs expected to last until the end of May.
Works starts soon on amenity reserve land
The area of land is around Customhouse Street and the Waikanae Cut.
Days numbered for new lake in Waiorongomai Valley
A satellite flyover in March this year showed water was draining from it rapidly and it’s likely to be gone by the end of winter, if not before.
Saltwater wedge mapping in Ūawa
Inanga, the most common of the five whitebait species, spawn (lay their eggs) near the saltwater wedge during late summer and autumn.
Summer crops survey results
Maize and sweetcorn retain the top spot as the most grown crop in Tairāwhiti over the summer months.
Successful start to Spartina project
The project is led by Haumanu Tū Ora, funded by the Ministry for the Environment and Gisborne District Council.
Much to learn from Tairāwhiti TEMO
A key component is the “good relationships” Tairāwhiti TEMO has with its stakeholders, partners and iwi.
Te Arai Footbridge reopening huge for Manutūkē community's well-being
When the bridge couldn’t be used – the alternative for young people, or those without cars, was to walk along the SH2 vehicle bridge which has no pedestrian walkway.
Government Inquiry welcomed by Council
Mayor Rehette Stoltz said there were lots of good examples in this report from our region.
Third Bailey bridge installed by Council
The Bailey bridge will stay in place for the rest of the year while permanent repairs to the abutment take place.
Have your say on the proposed new Navigation Safety Bylaw
The community can have their say on 11 key proposed changes by Friday 17 May.
Minister joins ceremony to mark stopbank milestone
Mayor Rehette Stoltz says we're now building to account for higher-intensity rain events and rising sea levels. This milestone means the Eastern (city) side of stopbanks along the Waipaoa River is now complete.
Fly-tipping escalation in our region
Indications for this financial year are for 700 tonnes of fly-tipping or illegal dumping in this region. That’s doubled from last year and increased almost five times since three years ago.