Thursday 13 June, 2024
The first meeting of a new Council committee took place today.
The TRMP Committee is set up to oversee the review of the Tairāwhiti Resource Management Plan (TRMP) – the key planning framework for how council manages natural resources within the region including urban development.
The TRMP Committee is made up of six councillors including the Mayor, up to six iwi appointees (yet to be nominated), and two independent commissioners.
Mayor Rehette Stoltz says she’s delighted to have the two independent commissioners Sarah Stevenson and Alan Matheson on the Committee.
“While both have comprehensive backgrounds in resource management planning and oversight and live outside the region, they have had considerable involvement and understanding of this region.
“Ms Stevenson recently worked in this region helping implement the Ministry for the Environment’s work programme in Tairāwhiti.
“She worked with Council and iwi to understand what they would need to move into the then new resource management system.”
This system is now being reformed by the new coalition government.
Ms Stevenson says she also has a strong commitment to diversity having previously been the chair of the Louise Nicholas Trust and is currently on the New Zealand Defence Force Operation Respect Steering Group.
She previously participated in regional planning processes related to water quality improvements, in Waikato and Canterbury. And she’s had experience in the mediation of land and water-related legal disputes.
Mr Matheson was involved in the previous review of the TRMP in regards to freshwater and recently he processed resource consents for Council.
He has worked across the country in his capacity as a consultant as well as being employed in a number of local government organisations. He prepared the Nelson Draft Unitary Plan around land use and freshwater.
Mr Matheson led the Council team in the development of the Proposed Waikato District Plan and through the hearing process. He is currently a commissioner for Christchurch City on their Residential Intensification Plan Change.
Mayor Stoltz says she is looking forward to the complex journey this Committee will be undertaking over the next few years to ensure the TRMP review results in an excellent plan for the region.