LGNZ award winners

28 August 2024

Gisborne District Council proudly took home 2 of the 5 major awards at Local Government New Zealand’s SuperLocal awards ceremony in Wellington last Friday.

The event celebrated the outstanding contributions of local government across Aotearoa to their communities.

Council received the SuperCollab and SuperIdea awards recognising our efforts in community resilience and emergency management.

Chief Executive Nedine Thatcher Swann says she’s extremely proud of Tairāwhiti Emergency Management Office’s achievements along with the support from Council’s GIS specialists.

“The mahi they have put into working with communities to understand their needs in an emergency along with the need to capture information that allows for accurate planning during an emergency, is exemplary.

The SuperCollab award was presented to our Marae Emergency Preparedness and Resilience Project.

“This is a collaborative initiative that has been a game changer in helping our hapū and whānau respond to and recover from major disasters.”

TEMO group manager Ben Green emphasised the vital role of collaboration in the project’s success.

“Local knowledge from tangata whenua played a crucial role in shaping these plans, harmonising traditional wisdom with scientific expertise.”

“This groundbreaking initiative delivered 19 disaster-equipped pods to some of the most isolated communities ensuring they are prepared to respond quickly in an emergency.”

“Each pod is equipped with life-saving supplies to enhance the resilience in isolated areas.”

This project has been organised in collaboration with Te Puni Kōkiri, Ngati Porou, Ngāi Tāmanuhiri, Rongowhakaata and Te Rūnanga o Tūranganui-ā-Kiwa. The project is a shining example of how collaboration can lead to exceptional outcomes.

The second award, the SuperIdea award, was for a collaboration between Council GIS staff and Tairāwhiti Emergency Management Office for its Common Operation Picture project (COP). This project has previously received the Member’s Choice Awards at the Taituarā Excellence Awards.

Mr. Green described it as a revolutionary approach to disaster management.

“Imagine during a disaster being able to look at a single TV screen to see at a glance how many people have been displaced, the most urgent welfare needs, who has been evacuated and the latest intelligence from around the region.”

“The COP uses real-time data from trusted sources which enables faster decision-making during emergencies, and improved coordination across the region.”

“It was developed using existing relationships to come up with a masterpiece in communication that has become the one source of truth while a disaster is underway.”

“The concept has been a breakthrough and is now a vital part of the emergency management toolkit in Tairāwhiti.”

Mayor Rehette Stoltz expressed her excitement and gratitude for LGNZ for the recognition.

“This is one of the proudest moments I have as Mayor of Gisborne District Council.”

“We are thrilled and honoured to receive these awards. They reflect the hard work, innovation, and commitment of our Council staff.”

“These projects are a testament to our dedication to keeping our community safe and resilient in the face of challenges.”

Photo:  Winners at the LGNZ’s SuperLocal awards in Wellington (from left) TEMO group manager Ben Green, Mayor Rehette Stoltz, Councillor Teddy Thompson, Councillor Aubrey Ria, and Council Director Engagement and Māori partnerships Anita Reedy-Holthausen.

Award wins