Friday 23 February, 2024
Council is holding a hui for residents of the Ūawa catchment on 14 March to work towards a more sustainable future for the catchment.
Council Director for Sustainable Futures Jo Noble says this gathering will be a crucial platform for discussing how we transition forestry and farming practices away from unstable land.
“A catchment planning process can help achieve Ūawa community’s vision and values for the catchment and what Te Mana o te Wai means to the people.”
“Te Mana o te Wai is central to the freshwater regulations introduced by the NZ government in 2020. It acknowledges the intrinsic connection between the community and our waterways.”
“There are three planning processes at play for this catchment and each one of them has a slightly different focus,” she says.
Changing Forestry and Farming Practices – Plan Change
The devastation left in the wake of floods and cyclones has highlighted the need for more sustainable land use practices.
“We know it’s important to transition forestry and farming activities away from unstable, steep, and erosion prone land, now known as Land Overlay 3B. We’ll discuss the transition pathway, as well as other forestry plan changes aimed at reducing impacts on waterways. We'll also be asking for volunteers to join a forestry working group to assist in this process”.
Freshwater Catchment Planning: Visions, Values, and Te Mana o te Wai
Freshwater catchment planning gives us the opportunity to plan freshwater outcomes based on shared visions and values.
“As we review our Tairāwhiti Resource Management Plan, we have the opportunity to ensure that the community has an opportunity to include their values and vision for the catchment into the process.”
“This meeting will outline how catchment planning could achieve better outcomes based on the concept of Te Mana o te Wai.”
“We will also be also asking for volunteers to join an Ūawa Catchment Advisory Group to help guide the freshwater catchment planning process.”
Freshwater Farm Plans and the Impact of Unstable 3B Land
Farmers and landowners can identify the implications of risks, such as erosion, and how to manage them using freshwater farm plans. Understanding the challenges and exploring how to respond will be crucial for ensuring the viability of farming practices while safeguarding freshwater.
Council staff will provide an outline of what freshwater farm planning includes and how to get involved.
The Tolaga Bay community is encouraged to attend this meeting, participate in the discussions, and contribute ideas to collectively drive positive change. Together, let's make a difference and pave the way for a brighter, water-secure future for the Ūawa catchment.
For further information, please contact Janic Slupski and the team on