25 September 2023
Monday 25 September due to heavy rain at 9.30am the emergency wastewater valve at Wainui Road was opened into the Turanganui River.
The rain that started at 3am, on top of the rain this weekend, came faster than the compromised outfall pipe could cope with.
This was done to take pressure off the treatment plant due to the crack in the outfall pipe awaiting repairs. To prevent sewage from overflowing back into homes and onto roads, causing a significant potential health risk.
The discharge is highly diluted with rainwater, but there's still a risk to health.
We’ve notified the Medical Officer of Health, water user and sports groups.
Temporary warning signs will be installed at swimming and recreation sites.
Tuesday 26 September 7pm - emergency valves at Oak, Turenne, Owen and Lytton roads were opened.
Wednesday 27 September 11am - Lytton Road scour was closed
Thursday 28 September 1pm - all emergency valves are closed and the discharges have stopped.
We advise no fishing or contact with the water in the rivers and city beaches until at least 5 days after the valves are closed and warning signs are removed.
More information on DrainWise https://www.gdc.govt.nz/.../drainwise/why-discharges-happen