Tuesday , 31 October 2023
Gisborne District Council’s Annual Report for 2022/2023 has been officially adopted.
The report describes a year divided into two distinct halves.
Mayor Rehette Stoltz says the first half was focused on planned objectives, while the latter half was significantly affected by multiple severe weather events, including cyclones Hale and Gabrielle.
“These events led to several States of Emergency and a complete shift in our focus toward disaster recovery.
“Despite these challenges, we successfully advanced key projects, such as the Kiwa Pools and the Wastewater Treatment Plant upgrade.
“Furthermore, flood protection efforts on the Waipaoa River were completed, which proved instrumental in safeguarding properties during Cyclone Gabrielle.”
The Annual Report also discusses major reforms affecting Council.
These include new approaches to freshwater management, a review of the Tairāwhiti Resource Management Plan, the Future for Local Government initiative, and the Three Waters Reform.
Mayor Stoltz says Council has remained stable with a current debt of $124.8m, well within the limits set in the 2021-2031 Long-Term Plan.
“Total income from our rates comprised only 35 percent of our overall income – with funding to support our response and recovery coming from Central Government and insurance cover.
“However, the ongoing reinstatement work will require significant additional borrowing and funding throughout our recovery efforts.
“We invite everyone to read our Annual Report to both acknowledge the challenges we’ve faced and to celebrate our achievements over the past year.”
The Annual Report for 2022/2023 can be read here in full https://www.gdc.govt.nz/council/plans-policies-and-bylaws/2022-23-annual-report