- About our rivers
- Action for healthy waterways
- Aerial mapping of aquifers
- Air
- Air quality
- Air quality exceedence
- Air quality in winter
- Alcohol and food
- Alcohol ban areas
- Alcohol Control Bylaw
- Alcohol licence - FAQs
- Alcohol licence forms
- Alcohol licence public notices
- Alcohol licensing fees
- Antenno app
- Apply for it
- Aquafit classes
- Ask us
- Attending a meeting
- Ballance Farm Environment Awards (BFEA)
- Ballance Farm Environment Awards (BFEA)
- Bee card
- Before you build
- Biosecurity
- Blocked drain on my property
- Booking a park, reserve, beach, sports field
- Breach of RMA - Sentencing Decisions
- Bridge repair works
- Bridge weights and speeds
- Building a farm dam
- Building and alterations
- Building and alterations
- Building consent
- Building consent process
- Building forms and guides
- Building service complaint
- Building service fees
- Burning complaints
- Busking or street performer
- Bus service and timetable
- Bus services
- Bylaws
- Camping
- Can I swim here?
- Careers
- Catchment planning
- Cemeteries
- Cemeteries
- Cemetery records search
- Check, clean, dry
- Citizenship ceremony
- City water pipeline
- City water supply
- Civic awards
- Civil Defence plans and reports
- Climate change in Tairāwhiti
- Climate change reports
- Coastal permits
- Coastal water quality
- Coast and harbour
- Coast flood resilience improvements
- Code of conduct
- Collection days
- Community Facilities Strategy
- Community housing
- Community-led plans
- Complaint about a food business
- Completed projects
- Contact us
- Contaminated land - NES
- Corridor access request
- Council
- Council committees
- Council Controlled Organisations
- Councillor contact details
- Council meetings
- Council notices
- Creative Communities funding
- Crop surveys
- Culverts
- December 2023 Pānui Taiao
- Delegations
- Development contributions
- District Licensing Committee
- District Licensing Hearings
- Dog exercise areas
- Dog fees and charges
- Dog registration
- Dog registration eInvoice
- Dogs
- Dogs and other animals
- Do it online
- Doneraille Park
- DrainWise
- Drinking water
- Drinking water standards
- Drought index map
- Dune care
- Facilities and venues
- Facilities closed
- Farm environment plans
- Farm environment plans
- Farmers' Hub
- Farmers' Hub
- Fast-track building consents
- Fees and Charges
- Fences
- Fertiliser application
- Find it
- Fireplaces
- Flooding problems on your property?
- Flood recovery advice
- Flood resilience projects
- Flying a drone
- Forestry and the environment
- Forestry consents
- Freedom camping
- Freedom Camping Bylaw 2021
- Freshwater
- Freshwater ecology indexes
- Freshwater farm plans
- Freshwater fish passage
- Freshwater Plan Fact Sheets
- Funding streams
- Future Development Strategy
- Major projects
- Makaraka cemetery buried headstones
- Making compost
- Managed Aquifer Recharge
- Managed Aquifer Recharge Reports
- Maps and data
- Marine biosecurity
- Marine Oil Spill Contingency Plan
- MAR questions and answers
- May 2024 Pānui Taiao
- Mayor and councillors
- Media releases
- Meetings calendar
- Microchipping your dog
- Midway beachfront BBQs
- Ministerial inquiry into land use
- Minor building consent
- Mobile shop - licensed trader
- Mobility and car parks
- Monitoring consents
- Mōtū Catchment Plan
- Pānui Taiao
- Pānui Taiao subscribe
- Parking and transport
- Parking fees and fines
- Parking permit CBD residents
- Parking permit for a contractor
- Parks and reserves
- Patutahi Hall
- Paying rates and due dates
- Pay it online
- Pests and weeds
- Plans
- Plans and documents
- Plans, Policies and Bylaws
- Plot and burial forms and fees
- Policies
- Pollution and hazards
- Poplar and willow poles
- Pouawa Beach camping
- Pre-Election Report 2022
- Privacy policy
- Private water tank supply
- Procurement Policy
- Property
- Property number
- Property search - Tairāwhiti Maps
- Property valuations
- Protect our waterways
- Pruning and removal of public trees procedure
- Public notices
- Public toilets
- Rainfall data
- Rate remissions
- Rates and valuations
- Rates and valuation search
- Rates by email - Rates eNotices
- Rates on Māori freehold land
- Rates rebate
- Rates relief options
- Rating information database
- Rating valuations on Māori freehold land
- Recreation
- Recycling
- Recycling and rubbish
- Regional Biodiversity Projects
- Regional Freshwater Plan Review
- Regional Land Transport Plan
- Regional Pest Management Plan
- Regional Public Transport Plan
- Registering a food business
- Relationship with Trust Tairāwhiti
- Relocating a building
- Reports and publications
- Request official information (LGOIMA)
- Request property plans
- Reserve management plans
- Residential wastewater systems
- Residents' survey
- Resource consent
- Resource consent forms and fees
- Resource consent process
- Review of the Tairāwhiti Resource Management Plan
- Riverbank management
- River flows
- River level forecast
- River levels
- Rivers
- Rivers, water and wetlands
- River water allocation levels
- River webcam
- Road closures for events
- Roads and roadsides
- Roads to recovery
- Road works
- Safety at sea
- Scattering ashes
- Sealed and unsealed roads
- Search
- Secondhand Sunday
- Selected dog owner policy
- Selling food - events, fundraising and exemptions
- Selling psychoactive substances
- Septic systems
- Services
- Shingle and sand extraction
- Sign up to eNews
- Sister cities
- Smokefree position
- Soils of Poverty Bay
- Soil temperature and moisture
- Solomon - 85 Glenelg Road
- Southern (Hangaroa-Ruakituri) Catchment Plan
- Spartina replacement
- Speed hump request
- Speed limits bylaw
- Sport ground maintenance
- Sport NZ Rural Travel Fund
- Sports fields
- Spraying agrichemicals
- State of our environment
- Statutory Acknowledgements
- Stock Control Bylaw 2017
- Stock exclusion regulations
- Stormwater
- Strategies
- Stray and feral cats
- Street trees
- Subdividing land
- Submit a building consent online
- Subscribe
- Subscribe to flood warning alerts
- Summer camping
- SUP-32215 Sample
- Suppliers
- Surf break identification and protection
- Sustainable hill country project
- Swimming pool safety barriers
- Swimming waters
- Synthetic nitrogen fertiliser cap: N cap
- Tairāwhiti Civil Defence Emergency Management
- Tairāwhiti Dog Control Bylaw 2023
- Tairāwhiti Dog Control Policy 2023
- Tairāwhiti Navigation Safety Bylaw 2024
- Tairāwhiti Regional Spatial Plan
- Tairāwhiti Resource Management Plan
- Tairāwhiti Resource Management Plan (TRMP)
- Taking sand
- Talk to our planner
- Te Ārai flood resilience improvements
- Te Ara Tipuna Charitable Trust - Te Ara Tipuna Trail
- Te Karaka flood resilience improvements
- Tell us
- Temporary road closure
- Tenders
- Terms and conditions
- The Regional Policy Statement
- Tiniroto Road
- Tokomaru Bay camping
- Tolaga Bay camping
- Toolkit for organising an event
- Total Mobility
- Township plans
- Trade and industrial stormwater
- Trade waste
- Traffic and Parking Bylaw 2021
- Traffic management at events
- Traffic management plan
- Transfer stations
- Transition Advisory Group (TAG)
- Tsunami information
- Tsunami inundation and evacuation maps
- Turihaua Beach camping
- Turihaua Point
- Waiapu Catchment Plan
- Waiapu Catchment riverbed level trends
- Waihau Beach - Loisels
- Waimatā-Pakarae Catchment Plan
- Waingake transformation programme
- Wainui Beach Erosion Management Strategy
- Waipaoa Catchment Plan Review
- Waipaoa Flood Control
- Waipiro Bay
- Waka kura bus service
- Walking and cycling projects
- Walkways and cycleways
- Wandering stock
- War Memorial Theatre
- Waste
- Waste Minimisation
- Waste minimisation at events
- Waste Minimisation funding
- Wastewater - sewage
- Wastewater / Stormwater connection application
- Wastewater treatment plant
- Water
- Water connection application
- Water mains flushing
- Water permit for irrigation
- Water permit on Poverty Bay Flats
- Water rates
- Water restriction alert levels
- Water services
- Water situation reports
- Water take requirements
- Weather stations
- Wetlands
- What to do with unwanted items
- What your rates pay for
- Why discharges happen
- Working with us